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Novagon DNA Heptad Nucleotide Genomic Code
This another method of proof from the good folks at Mindjet and mindmaps. Visioneering Links provide visual evidence of the subject matter being discussed in the Mind Map. In this case, we are experimenting with a new design of hyperlinking documents to selected ideas making up the Heptad 7 Nucleotide Genetic Code Mindmap and Visioneering Links.
Personally, I am excited about creating wide and deep concept maps which ultimately with lead to the primal root of life on earth in 2015. Earth’s dynamic planetsphere, teeming with genomic heteromorphic genes, sequences, structures, symmetry operators of the millions of different species that exist today as evolution’s and nature’s non-linear algorithms provide us with the patterns and motifs to understand the 3.6 billion year old biomolecular nanoquantum engineering and processors powering the most advanced sentient being on the planet earth.
I hope you enjoy my deep and wide scientific domains in the human expression of genomic networks.