Web Services: 2, Update
This is the 5th article in this series. The previous article showed us how to develop Enquiry web services. Creating program JSPG2 to update data is just as simple. The only difference is that we've checked Update
Checking [ ] Update causes [ ] Add and [ ] Delete to appear; we left them checked. As with JSPG1, we click [Finish], and select DEPTNAME from the DEPARTMENT dialog.
First, the message definition is displayed in the Jazz Workbench. It is like the definition for program JSPG1, but there are 3 important differences in the Input message: -
The output message OJSPG2 is identical to the output message OJSPG1 except that within the JZ-EMPLOYEE (1) GROUP there is another Checksum field. This means that a Checksum value can be returned with every Employee record read.
The JSPG2 message definition is longer than JSPG1's, 56 lines, compared to 40. The logic is longer too, 26 lines compared to 6: -
First the function code is checked: there will be an error message and immediate exit if it is not one of E(Enquiry), U(Update), A(Add), or D(Delete). If valid, the logic will execute the Enquiry, Update, Add, or Delete case, then terminate with the reply.
Now it gets interesting: as in a classical CICS program the program must read (Enquiry) the record before it can do an Update or Delete, and we need pseudo locking to ensure that the record hasn't been changed by any other user between the Enquiry and the Update. This is where the checksum values come in, and the highlighted SAVESUM and CHECKSUM statement options above. For Enquiry SAVESUM returns the calculated checksum in the response message. This is returned with the Update request: the logic uses CHECKSUM to check that it is the same as a recalculated value. For more about web service pseudo locking, click here.
A few clicks created a 26 line Jazz program and a 56 line message definition from 2 Jazz record definitions (25 lines), mostly written for us with Import From SQL. In the next article we'll see how we turn this into 2620 lines of COBOL.
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