Web Scraping API Tools to Track, Manage and Visualize Your Data Pipeline
Web Scraping?essentially is the way of gathering information from the Internet. Through Web Scraping Tools, one can download structured information from the internet to be utilized for examination in an automated style.
This blog targets at providing you with in-depth information about what Web Scraping is and why it's fundamental, alongside an extensive list of the 8 Best Web Scraping Tools out there in the market, remembering the components offered by each of these, pricing, evaluating target crowd, and weaknesses. It will help you make an informed decision with respect to the Best Web Scraping Tool obliging your business.
Web Scraping
Web Scraping?alludes to the extraction of content and information from a site. This data is then extracted in an arrangement that is more valuable to the client.
Web Scraping should be possible manually. However, this is such tedious work. To accelerate the process, you can utilize Web Scraping APIs that A Web Scraping API would automate, cost less, and work more quickly.
How does a Web Scraper work exactly?
- First, the Web Scraper is given the URLs to load up before the scraping process, and then loads the full HTML code for the desired output.
- The Web Scraper will then extract either all of the information on the page or the particular information chosen by the client prior to running the project.
- Finally, the Web Scraper outputs all of the information that has been gathered into a usable configuration.
Top 9 Web Scraping Tools
Picking the best Web Scraping Tool that consummately meets your business requirements can be a difficult task, particularly when there's a huge assortment of Web Scraping Tools accessible in the market. To simplify your search, here is a comprehensive list of the 9 Best Web Scraping Tools that you can look over:
4.??Scraper API
7.??Content Grabber
8.??Common Crawl
Target Audience
Scraper API?will give information scraping to your business if it requires information for utilizations of web scraping tools. Web-based business scrapers scrape knowledge for business, value examination, survey extraction, and some other requirement for your business.
Key Features
?a. Worldwide Data Centers:
ProxyCrawl handles scraping information from overall areas and a wide range of sites with the assistance of its above 17 data centers all around the globe. ProxyCrawl has probably the biggest organization of proxies that will take all the heap of your projects.
?b. Limitless transfer speed:
Try not to stress over scraping gigantic pages
?c. Quit fixing scrappers:
Our artificial reasoning fixes the scrubbers for you, so your business won't ever stop
?d. Simple to utilize Scraper API:
An API is produced using engineers. Rapidly start in under 5 minutes.
ProxyCrawl Pricing:
- Starter (leads API) $29/Month:?This plan offers first 100 leads for free of charge, 2000 credits per month, Fresh leads, & 5 API concurrency.
- Advanced (leads API) $49/Month:?This plan offers 5000 credits per month, Fresh leads, 10 API concurrency, & Extended Lookups.
- Premium (leads API) $99/Month:?This plan offers 10,000 credits per month, fresh leads, 20 API concurrency, Extended Lookups, & Premium Support.
Pre-Requisites for Web Scraping by Scrapy ProxyCrawl API
- Amazon Product Page URL
- Required libraries and API integrations in Python
- ProxyCrawl API token
Code to create Data Pipelines:
import scrapy
from proxycrawl.proxycrawl_api import ProxyCrawlAPI
from datetime import datetime ?
# used to convert review date string into datetime object. Useful if you plan to insert into an SQL db.
api = ProxyCrawlAPI({'token': 'NON-JS TOKEN'})
apijava = ProxyCrawlAPI({'token': 'JS TOKEN'})
def start_requests(self):
? ?headers = {
? ? ? ?'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.193 Safari/537.36'
? ?}
? ?url = 'https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B07ZPC9QD4/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_paging_btm_next_2?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews' ?# you don't need the product title in the url
? ?# build proxcrawl url
? ?pcurl = api.buildURL(url, {})
? ?yield scrapy.Request(pcurl, callback=self.parse, errback=self.errback_httpbin, headers=headers, meta={'asin': 'B07ZC90D4'})
def parse(self, response):
? ?headers = {
? ? ? ?'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.193 Safari/537.36'
? ?}
? ?reviews_count = response.xpath('//*[@id="cm_cr-review_list"]/div[@data-hook="review"]').getall()
? ?asin = response.meta['asin']
? ?asin_title = response.xpath('//*[@id="cm_cr-product_info"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/h1/a/text()').get()
? ?if reviews_count is not None: ?# review_count = number of reviews
? ? ? ?for review_index in range(len(reviews_count)):
? ? ? ? ? ?review_index += 1
? ? ? ? ? ?review_title = response.xpath('//*[@id="cm_cr-review_list"]/div[@data-hook="review"][' +
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?str(review_index) + ']/div/div/div[2]/a[2]/span/text()').get()
? ? ? ? ? ?review_rating_string = response.xpath('//*[@id="cm_cr-review_list"]/div[@data-hook="review"][' +
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?str(review_index) + ']/div/div/div[2]/a[1]/@title').get()
? ? ? ? ? ?review_date_string = response.xpath('//*[@id="cm_cr-review_list"]/div[@data-hook="review"][' +
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?str(
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?review_index) + ']/div/div/span[@data-hook="review-date"]/text()').get()
? ? ? ? ? ?review_body = response.xpath('//*[@id="cm_cr-review_list"]/div[@data-hook="review"][' +
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? str(review_index) + ']/div/div/div[4]/span/span/text()').get()
? ? ? ? ? ?review_rating = str(review_rating_string).split(' ', 1)[0]
? ? ? ? ? ?# get rid of the 00:00:00 time
? ? ? ? ? ?review_date = str(datetime.strptime(review_date_string, '%B %d, %Y')).split(' ', 1)[0]
? ? ? ? ? ?date_of_cur_review = datetime.strptime(review_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
? ? ? ? ? ?#####
? ? ? ? ? ?# go to next page if there is one
? ? ? ? ? ?if review_index == 10:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?next_page = response.xpath('//*[@class="a-last"]/a/@href').get()
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?if next_page is not None:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?headers = {'User-Agent': headers}
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?yield response.follow(api.buildURL('https://www.amazon.com' + next_page, {}), callback=self.parse, errback=self.errback_httpbin, headers=headers, meta={'asin': response.meta['asin']})
In the items.py file, we will be defining the storage containers for the data we plan to scrape.
? ?plan to scrape
import scrapy
class RedditItem(scrapy.Item):
? ?'''
? ?Defining the storage containers for the data we
? ?plan to scrape
? ?'''
? ?date = scrapy.Field()
? ?date_str = scrapy.Field()
? ?sub = scrapy.Field()
? ?title = scrapy.Field()
? ?url = scrapy.Field()
? ?score = scrapy.Field()
commentsUrl = scrapy.Field()
in the spiders/__init__.py file, we will set up scrapy to scrape the data.
from datetime import datetime as dt
import scrapy
from reddit.items import RedditItem
class PostSpider(scrapy.Spider):
? ?name = 'post'
? ?allowed_domains = ['reddit.com']
? ?reddit_urls = [
? ? ? ?('datascience', 'week'),
? ? ? ?('python', 'week'),
? ? ? ?('programming', 'week'),
? ? ? ?('machinelearning', 'week')
? ?]
? ?start_urls = ['https://www.reddit.com/r/' + sub + '/top/?sort=top&t=' + period \
? ? ? ?for sub, period in reddit_urls]
? ?def parse(self, response):
? ? ? ?# get the subreddit from the URL
? ? ? ?sub = response.url.split('/')[4]
? ? ? ?# parse thru each of the posts
? ? ? ?for post in response.css('div.thing'):
? ? ? ? ? ?item = RedditItem()
? ? ? ? ? ?item['date'] = dt.today()
? ? ? ? ? ?item['date_str'] = item['date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
? ? ? ? ? ?item['sub'] = sub
? ? ? ? ? ?item['title'] = post.css('a.title::text').extract_first()
? ? ? ? ? ?item['url'] = post.css('a.title::attr(href)').extract_first()
? ? ? ? ? ?## if self-post, add reddit base url (as it's relative by default)
? ? ? ? ? ?if item['url'][:3] == '/r/':
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?item['url'] = 'https://www.reddit.com' + item['url']
? ? ? ? ? ?item['score'] = int(post.css('div.unvoted::text').extract_first())
? ? ? ? ? ?item['commentsUrl'] = post.css('a.comments::attr(href)').extract_first()
? ? ? ? ? ?yield item
Pipeline into MongoDB:
In the pipelines.py file, we pull in information from the settings file, open database connection, close when the spider is done scraping, and then handle each post storing in the MongoDB database.
import logging
import pymongo
class MongoPipeline(object):
? ?collection_name = 'top_reddit_posts'
? ?def __init__(self, mongo_uri, mongo_db):
? ? ? ?self.mongo_uri = mongo_uri
? ? ? ?self.mongo_db = mongo_db
? ?@classmethod
? ?def from_crawler(cls, crawler):
? ? ? ?## pull in information from settings.py
? ? ? ?return cls(
? ? ? ? ? ?mongo_uri=crawler.settings.get('MONGO_URI'),
? ? ? ? ? ?mongo_db=crawler.settings.get('MONGO_DATABASE')
? ? ? ?)
? ?def open_spider(self, spider):
? ? ? ?## initializing spider
? ? ? ?## opening db connection
? ? ? ?self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(self.mongo_uri)
? ? ? ?self.db = self.client[self.mongo_db]
? ?def close_spider(self, spider):
? ? ? ?## clean up when spider is closed
? ? ? ?self.client.close()
? ?def process_item(self, item, spider):
? ? ? ?## how to handle each post
? ? ? ?self.db[self.collection_name].insert(dict(item))
? ? ? ?logging.debug("Post added to MongoDB")
? ? ? ?return item
Configure Settings:
In the settings.py file, we configure a delay for requests for the same website and the pipeline.
# ...
# Configure a delay for requests for the same website (default: 0)
# See https://scrapy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/settings.html#download-delay
# See also autothrottle settings and docs
# ...
# Configure item pipelines
# See https://scrapy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.html
? ?'reddit.pipelines.MongoPipeline': 300,
MONGO_URI = 'mongodb://localhost:27017'
MONGO_DATABASE = 'sivji-sandbox'
# ...
Target Audience
ParseHub is an extraordinary and rich tool that permits you to build?web scraping tools?without having a single line of code. It is consequently just about as simple as essentially choosing the information you need. ParseHub is targeted at essentially anybody that desires to play with data. This could be anybody from analysts and data scientists to journalists.
Key Features of ParseHub
- Clean Text and HTML before downloading information.
- Easy to use graphical interface.
- ParseHub permits you to gather and store information on servers naturally.
- Programmed IP rotation.
- Scraping behind logic walls permitted.
- Gives Desktop Clients to Windows, Mac OS, Linux.
- Information is sent out in JSON or Excel Format.
- Can extract information from tables and maps.
ParseHub Pricing
ParseHub’s pricing structure looks like this:
- Everyone:?It is made accessible to the clients free of cost. Permits 200 pages for every altercation in 40 minutes. It upholds up to 5 public projects with extremely restricted help and data maintenance for 14 days.
- Standard($149/month):?You can get 200 pages in around 10 minutes with this arrangement, permitting you to scrap 10,00 pages for every run. With the Standard Plan, you can uphold 20 private projects upheld by standard support with data maintenance of 14 days. You also get IP rotation, booking, and the ability to store pictures and documents in Dropbox or Amazon S3.
- Professional($499/month):?Scraping speed is quicker than the Standard Plan (scrape up to 200 pages in a short time) permitting you limitless pages per run. You can run 120 private projects with priority support and information maintenance for 30 days in addition to the features offered in the Standard Plan.
- Enterprise (Open to Discussion):?You can reach out to the ParseHub group to set out a customized plan for you dependent on your business needs, offering limitless pages per run and committed scraping speeds across all of the projects you decide to attempt on top of the features offered in the Professional Plan.
- Troubleshooting is difficult for bigger projects.
- The output can be extremely restricting at times (not having the option to publish total scraped output).
Target Audience
OctoParse has an intended target group like ParseHub, obliging individuals who want to scrape information without composing a single line of code while having authority over the full process with their profoundly natural User Interface.
Key Features of OctoParse
- Site Parser and hosted answers for clients who need to run scrapers in the cloud.
- Point and snap screen scraper permitting you to scrape behind login forms, fill in forms, render javascript, look through the boundless scroll, and much more.
- Anonymous Web Data Scraping to try not to be restricted or banned.
OctoParse Pricing
- Free:?This plan offers limitless pages per crawl, limitless computers,10,000 records per export, and 2 concurrent local runs permitting you to build up to 10 crawlers for free of charge with community support.
- Standard($75/month):?This plan offers limitless data export,100 crawlers, planned scheduled extractions, Average speed extraction, auto IP rotation, task Templates, API access, and email support. This plan is principally designed for small groups.
- Professional($209/month):?This plan offers 250 crawlers, Scheduled extractions,20 concurrent cloud extractions, High-speed extraction, Auto IP rotation, Task Templates, and Advanced API.
- Enterprise(Open to Discussion):?All the pro features with scalable concurrent processors, multi-role access, and custom-made onboarding are among a couple of features offered in the Enterprise Plan which is totally customized for your business needs.
OctoParse likewise offers Crawler Service and Data Service beginning at $189 and $399, respectively.
If you run the crawler with local extraction instead of running it from the cloud, it stops naturally after 4 hours, which makes the way toward recovering, saving, and beginning once again with the following arrangement of data exceptionally cumbersome.
4.?Scraper API
Target Audience:
Scraper API is designed for creators building web scrapers. It handles programs, proxies, and CAPTCHAs, which implies that You can acquire raw HTML from any site through a basic API call.
Key Features of Scraper API
- Helps you render Javascript.
- Easy to coordinate or integrate.
- Geolocated Rotating Proxies.
- Great Speed and unwavering quality to construct adaptable web scrapers.
- Special pools of proxies for E-business price scraping, web search engine scraping, social media scraping, and so forth
Scraper API Pricing
Scraper API offers 5000 free API calls to begin. Scraper API from there on offers a few amazing price plans to pick from.
- Hobby($29/month):?This plan offers 10 Concurrent requests, 250,000 API Calls, no Geotargeting, no JS Rendering, Standard Proxies, and reliable Email Support.
- Startup($99/month):?The Startup Plan offers 25 Concurrent Requests, 1,000,000 API Calls, US Geotargeting, No JS Rendering, Standard Proxies, and Email Support.
- Business($249/month):?The Business Plan of Scraper API offers 50 Concurrent Requests, 3,000,000 API Calls, All Geotargeting, JS Rendering, Residential Proxies, and Priority Email Support.
- Enterprise Custom (Open to Discussion):?The Enterprise Custom Plan offers you a variety of features customized to your business needs with all the features offered in different plans.
Scraper API as a Web Scraping Tool isn't considered appropriate for browsing.
Target Audience
Mozenda caters to enterprises searching for a cloud-based self-serve Web Scraping platform. Having scraped more than 7 billion pages, Mozenda flaunts enterprise clients everywhere.
Key Features of Mozenda
- Offers point and click interface to make Web Scraping occasions quickly.
- Request hindering features and job sequencer to reap web data continuously in real-time.
- Best client service and in-class account management.
- Collection and publishing of information to preferred BI instruments or data sets conceivable.
- Provide both telephone and email support to all the clients.
- Highly adaptable platform.
- Allows On-premise Hosting.
Mozenda Pricing
Mozenda's pricing plan utilizes something many refer to as Processing Credits that separates itself from other Web Scraping Tools. Handling Credits estimates the amount of Mozenda's computing assets are utilized in different client activities like page route, premium harvesting, picture or file downloads.
- Project:?This is focused on little projects with pretty low-limit requirements. It is designed for 1 client and it can assemble 10 web crawlers and accumulate up to 20k processing credits/month.
- Professional:?This is offered as an entry-level business package that incorporates quicker execution, proficient support, and admittance to pipes and Mozenda's applications. (35k preparing credits/month)
- Corporate:?This plan is custom-fitted for medium to large-scale information intelligence projects dealing with huge datasets and higher capacity necessities. (1 million preparing credits/month)
- Managed Services:?This arrangement gives enterprise-level information extraction, monitoring, and handling. It stands apart from the group with its committed capacity, focused on robot support, and maintenance.
- On-Premise:?This is a safe self-hosted solution and is viewed as ideal for speculative stock funds, banks, or government and medical services associations who need to set up high-security measures, conform to government and HIPAA guidelines and ensure their intranets containing private data.
Mozenda is a little expensive compared to the other Web Scraping Tools discussed so far with their lowest plan beginning from $250/month.
Target Audience
Webhose.io is best suggested for platforms or services that are on the lookout for a totally developed web scraper and information provider for content advertising, sharing, and so on. The expense offered by the platform turns out to be very affordable for developing organizations.
Key Features of Webhose.io
- Content Indexing is genuinely quick.
- A dedicated help and support team that is exceptionally reliable.
- Easy Integration with various solutions.
- Easy to utilize APIs giving full control to language and source selection.
- Simple and instinctive interface design permitting you to play out all tasks in a simpler and practical way.
- Get organized, machine-readable data sets in JSON and XML designs.
- Allows admittance to historical feeds dating as far back as 10 years.
- Provides admittance to an enormous repository of information takes care of without fretting over paying additional charges.
- A highlighted feature permits you to direct granular examination on datasets you want to take care of.
Webhose.io Pricing
The free version gives 1000 HTTP demands each month. Paid plans offer more features like more calls, control over the separated information, and more advantages like picture analytics, Geo-location, dim web monitoring, and as long as 10 years of documented verifiable historical information.
The various plans are:
- Open Web Data Feeds:?This plan consolidates Enterprise-level coverage, Real-Time Monitoring, Engagement Metrics like Social Signals and Virality scores alongside clean JSON/XML designs.
- Cyber Data Feed:?The Cyber Data Feed plan furnishes the client with Real-Time Monitoring, Entity and Threat Recognition, Image Analytics and Geo-area alongside admittance to TOR, ZeroNet, I2P, Telegram, and so on
- Archived Web Data:?This plan furnishes you with a file of information tracing all the way back to 10 years, Sentiment and Entity Recognition, Engagement Metrics.
- The choice for data maintenance of historical data was not accessible for a couple of clients.
- Users couldn't change the plan inside the web interface all alone, which required intercession from the sales team.
- Setup isn't that streamlined for non-developers.
7.?Content Grabber
Target Audience
Content Grabber is a cloud-based Web Scraping Tool that assists organizations of all sizes with information extraction.
Key Features of Content Grabber
- Web information extraction is quicker as compared to many of its rivals.
- Allows you to build web applications with the dedicated API permitting you to execute web information directly from your site.
- You can plan to scrape data from the web consequently.
- Offers a wide assortment of organizations for the extricated information like CSV, JSON, and so on.
Content Grabber Pricing
Two pricing models are available for clients of Content Grabber:-
- Buying a license
- Monthly Subscription
For each, you have three subcategories:
- Server ($69/month, $449/year):?This model comes furnished with a Limited Content Grabber Agent Editor permitting you to edit, run and investigate agents. It likewise gives Scripting Support, Command-Line, and an API.
- Professional ($149/month, $995/year):?This model comes furnished with a Full-Featured Content Grabber Agent Editor permitting you to edit, run and debug agents. It additionally gives Scripting Support, Command-Line alongside independent agents. However, this model doesn't give an API.
- Premium ($299/month, $2495/year):?This model comes furnished with a Full-Featured Content Grabber Agent Editor permitting you to edit, run and debug agents. It likewise gives Scripting Support, Command-Line alongside independent agents, and gives an API too.
- Prior information on HTML and HTTP required.
- Pre-designed crawlers for previously scraped sites not accessible.
8.?Common Crawl
Target Audience
Common Crawl was developed for anyone wishing to explore and analyze information and uncover significant experiences from it.
Key Features of Common Crawl
- Open Datasets of raw web page information and text extractions.
- Support for non-code-based use cases.
- Provides assets for instructors showing information analysis
Common Crawl Pricing
Common Crawl permits any intrigued individual to utilize this web scraping API tool without agonizing overcharges or other complexities. It is a registered non-benefit platform that depends on gifts to keep its tasks flawlessly running.
- Support for live information isn't accessible.
- Support for AJAX-based sites isn't available.
- The information accessible in Common Crawl isn't organized and can't be sifted.
This blog initially gave a thought regarding Web Scraping overall. It then, at that point, enlisted the fundamental factors to remember when making an informed decision about making a Web Scraping Tool buy followed by a sneak look at 8 of the best Web Scraping Tools in the market thinking about a series of components.
Accordingly, the fundamental takeaway from this blog is that eventually, a client should pick the Web Scraping Tools that suit their requirements. Extracting complex information from a different set of information sources can be a difficult task, and this is the place where?ProxyCrawl?makes all the difference.