Web Design for ALL
Mritunjai Kumar
Ahead MT Axis Bank | Vice President - SAC, IIM Mumbai‘24 | Product Management | Coordinator at Centre of Excellence IIMM | Ex Cognizant
This article is an archive of notes that I have collected on 'Responsive Web Page' and 'Accessible Web Design' and making websites to reach as many visitors as possible.
To meet government accessibility requirements digital services “must“:
- meet level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) as a minimum
- work on the most commonly used assistive technologies – including screen magnifiers, screen readers and speech recognition tools
- include people with disabilities in user research” UK Government Website, 2018
10 Quick Tips For A More Accessible Site Design from the W3C
The W3c has offered webmasters these ten tips:
- Provide Alt Text For all images, and alternative content for all other media.
- Use eternal CSS for styling and layout and HTML for document structure.
- Associate table headers with table cells, and use tables only for data. Include a table summary.
- Provide a skip links option to let a user skip repetitive content.
- Do not use flash, frames or tables for layout purposes.
- Design for device independence. Don’t require a mouse and don’t require javascript to activate links etc.
- Use simple language on your website, and specify the language used.
- Make sure colors and fonts contrast sufficiently.
- Do not fix a font size on your website. Use % or ems.
- Use a fluid layout, using percentages or ems for width.
Quote : "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are the standard for accessible websites. The key to an accessible website is correct use of HTML for structure and CSS for layout."