Web Design for ALL

Web Design for ALL

This article is an archive of notes that I have collected on 'Responsive Web Page' and 'Accessible Web Design' and making websites to reach as many visitors as possible.

To meet government accessibility requirements digital services “must“:

  • meet level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) as a minimum
  • work on the most commonly used assistive technologies – including screen magnifiers, screen readers and speech recognition tools
  • include people with disabilities in user research” UK Government Website, 2018

10 Quick Tips For A More Accessible Site Design from the W3C

The W3c has offered webmasters these ten tips:

  1. Provide Alt Text For all images, and alternative content for all other media.
  2. Use eternal CSS for styling and layout and HTML for document structure.
  3. Associate table headers with table cells, and use tables only for data. Include a table summary.
  4. Provide a skip links option to let a user skip repetitive content.
  5. Do not use flash, frames or tables for layout purposes.
  6. Design for device independence. Don’t require a mouse and don’t require javascript to activate links etc.
  7. Use simple language on your website, and specify the language used.
  8. Make sure colors and fonts contrast sufficiently.
  9. Do not fix a font size on your website. Use % or ems.
  10. Use a fluid layout, using percentages or ems for width.

Quote : "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are the standard for accessible websites. The key to an accessible website is correct use of HTML for structure and CSS for layout."

WCAG 2.1 Guidelines


