Web Application for Review System
Navneet Saraswat
Digital Transformation || Data Science || Salesforce Development || SAP Development || Mobility || ERP Solutions || Web Development || Digital Marketing
A web application which will allow business owner to promote their business and take feedback from the customer.
Project Description:
This project requires the delivery of the Review System for Business Owners.
This will help businesses to improve and promote their business.
Allows the business owners to integrate with their social media pages and ask their clients to provide review over there from one place.
In this system business owners can add multiple sites info and create separate feedback pages, and send their link to the client.
Our scope of work will include:
Scope of work included complete Process of Review System:
? Administrative system to manage Business owner and their clients.
? Credit Bureau API integration
? SMS and Email integration
Product flow:
1. The business owner can register themselves on the Review system
2. After registration, they will need to complete their profile, Add their site info, logo and social media pages link.
3. The business owner can create their customer from the dashboard and send them a feedback link to rate their business via SMS or email.
4. Customers can provide feedback, share the experience, rate their business, and also rate on the business owner's social media page.
5. Business owners get notified about customer feedback and rating via email and SMS of particular customers.
United States
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