Web 3.0
Ever wondered when you search for a particular service or a product on #Google and after sometime advertisements start popping up on all your social media pages and accounts, this happens because of #web2.0. It all started when #web1.0 was introduced to the internet, which was basically all read only content, similar to a Wikipedia page. Web 2.0 made internet more interactive because of developments in #webtechnologies, which helped companies to create interactive #webplatforms. When we search for #data or a product over the web, we unknowingly provide it with information related to our choices and interests which are stored in #cookies ,which later are sold to various companies who make use of this data to advertise exactly what we want, so this is how we are able to see ads of the products we searched for.
Read more on : https://www.skillaio.com/insights/web-3-0/