Web 1.00 to Web 3.00: A new set of transformation
Ashutosh K.
Ex banker, Now self-employed, MD &CEO of Kumar Group of companies, Author of many books.
?The word "web" term denotes to the Internet can be a "web" - a site, a page, access, security, or a camera as it is a component of the three "great" WWW - World Wide Web - connected by websites on the network. But this prefix also applies to numbers. This is the forgotten Web 1.0. And Web 2.0, is definitely on everyone's lips because it occupies a dominant position. But, Web 3.0, came into use not long back but became widely used in certain circles, but slowly displacing its predecessor. Web improvement is an evolutionary service that determines how users interact with and within the Internet. It all started as one-way communication from the network to users. It came to decentralized mechanisms for storing and transmitting data, which have come to a thorny path, just like silent movies turned into augmented reality movies. Each stage had its meaning and was relevant and most convenient at a particular moment in the Internet's development.
?WEB 1.0
Web 1.0 is the first iteration of the Internet, dating back to the 90s with the first browsers. The most accessible and easy to understand. In this approach, the network is considered a source of information, and the user is its absorber. They were just directory, static web pages. The email was considered amazing but the possibilities for creating content were very scarce except mostly read-only. As it was the first stage of the World Wide Web (WWW) evolution. Initially, a handful of content creators in Web 1.0 with a huge majority of users were consumers of content. Personal web pages were shared, comprising mainly of static pages hosted on ISP-run web servers, or on free web hosting services.?In Web 1.0 advertisements on websites while surfing the internet are banned. Also, in Web 1.0 ?an online digital photography website, on which users could store, share, view, and print digital pictures. Web 1.0 is a content delivery network (CDN) that enables the showcase of the piece of information on the websites. It can be used as a personal website. It costs the user as per pages viewed. It has directories that enable users to retrieve a particular piece of information.?Four design must for Web 1.0 site include, Static pages, Content is served from the server’s file system, Pages built using Server Side Includes or Common Gateway Interface (CGI), and Frames and Tables used to position and align the elements on a page.
?WEB 2.0 ?
This improved version of Web 2.0 denotes worldwide websites which highlight user-generated content, usability, and interoperability for end users. Web 2.0 is also called the participative social web. It does not refer to a modification to any technical specification, but to modifying the way Web pages are designed and used. The transition is beneficial but it does not seem that when the changes occur. Interaction and collaboration with each other are allowed by Web 2.0 in a social media dialogue as the creator of user-generated content in a virtual community. The web browser technologies are used in Web 2.0 development and it includes AJAX and JavaScript frameworks. Recently, AJAX and JavaScript frameworks have become a very popular means of creating web 2.0 sites.?
?Five major features of Web 2.0 are: Free sorting of information, which permits users to retrieve and classify the information collectively, Dynamic content that is responsive to user input, Information flows between the site owner and site users by means of evaluation & online commenting, Developed APIs to allow self-usage, such as by a software application, and Web access leads to concern different, from the traditional Internet user base to a wider variety of users.
?Web 2.0 is the second generation of interoperable Internet services. Before it, the user could only consume content, now he has the opportunity to independently produce it and exchange it with other site users (user-generated content). This became the basis for the commercialization of the Internet - entire areas of activity were all together digitized, otherwise, they risked dying. That is; retail, banking, advertising, media, and entertainment. It also became the basis for social networks as virtual communication platforms. This can include any interaction from written blogs to audio podcasts, from RSS to commonplace tags that allow you to find content based on your interests more efficiently. Prime examples of Web 2.0 are Apple, Amazon, Google, and other FAANG representatives. The social Web contains a number of online tools and platforms where people share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts, and experiences. Web 2.0 applications tend to interact much more with the end-user. As such, the end-user is not only a user of the application but also a participant in these 8 tools mentioned below: Podcasting, Blogging, Tagging, Curating with RSS, Social bookmarking, Social networking, Social media, and Web content voting.
?WEB 3.0
It denotes the advanced version of Web2 as it creates the evolution of web utilization and interaction which includes altering the Web into a database. It enables the up-gradation of the back-end of the web, after a long time of focusing on the front-end (Web 2.0 has mainly been about AJAX, tagging, and other front-end user-experience innovation). Web 3.0 is a term that is used to describe many evolutions of web usage and interaction among several paths. In this, data isn’t owned but instead shared, where services show different views for the same web / the same data.?The Semantic Web (3.0) promises to establish “the world’s information” in a more reasonable way than Google can ever attain with its existing engine schema. This is particularly true from the perspective of machine conception as opposed to human understanding. The Semantic Web necessitates the use of a declarative ontological language like OWL to produce domain-specific ontologies that machines can use to reason about information and make new conclusions, not simply match keywords.?
?Below are the ?main features that better explain ?Web 3.0:
?1.??Semantic Web: The ensuing evolution of the Web involves the Semantic Web. It enhances web technologies in demand to create, share and assemble content through search and analysis based on the strength to grasp the meaning of words, instead of on keywords or numbers.
?2.??Artificial Intelligence: It transformed the web to such an extent that by its ability with natural language processing, computers can differentiate information like humans in order to provide quick and the best relevant results. They become more intelligent to fulfill the requirements of users.
?3.??3D Graphics: It is a ?three-dimensional design being used widely in websites and services in Web 3.0. Museum guides, computer games, e-commerce, geospatial contexts, etc. are all examples that use 3D graphics.
?4.??Connectivity: Now information is more connected using semantic metadata. As a result, the user experience evolves to another level of connectivity that leverages all the available information.
?5.???Accessibility: Content is accessible by multiple applications, every device is connected to the web, and the services can be used everywhere. It has almost become ubiquitous.
?Web3 is an improved version of Web 2,00. It is actually a decentralized, and democratic version of the current internet. It categorically sorts of an alternative vision of the existing ?Web, to enable the user services are not hosted by a single service provider company, but a type of purely algorithmic things which can be held by everybody. As such, becomes very peer to peer. The concept behind that all participants sort of contribute a small slice of the ultimate service so that no one really has an edge over anyone else.?For instance, ?Amazon, ?eBay, ?Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, etc., ?which are behind the service really has absolute power over what it is that they do in providing the service.
Gavin Wood, who is one of the co-founders of Ethereum and founder of blockchain infrastructure company Parity Technologies, and a renowned Computer Scientist coined the term “Web 3.0” in 2014, ( the phrase became small as Web3) placing his vision of the future of the internet to be in a real sense be decentralized and an advanced democratic version of the current internet which is controlled by a few of giant players like Amazon and Microsoft. Wood also stated that though cryptocurrencies have become a center of mass attention Web3 does not depend and may not rely profoundly on cryptocurrencies.
Now, web3 ?has become an internet catchword recently with super technologists, including Twitter,?founder Jack Dorsey, and?Tesla,?CEO Elon Musk,?discussing the significance of the term.
Proponents call Web3 a decentralized version of the internet that stopovers the domination of a small of powerful players such as Amazon, Microsoft, and google. Web1 started off with the idea of an open and decentralized internet, but the Web2 version of the internet created a rise of trillion-dollar technology companies that have a strong influence over the internet and own a lot of the infrastructure the web is built on. “The big problem with this is ... sort of the same thing as placing all your eggs in one basket, if something goes wrong with one of these services, you know, the service is suddenly unavailable for an awful lot of people,” Wood told CNBC’s “Beyond the Valley” podcast. “Furthermore, the keyword here is trust. We’re having to trust the people behind the services. We’re having to trust the owners of the companies that run the service ... And so yeah, we kind of managed to architect ourselves into this, somewhat like a dystopian version of what the world could be.”
Blockchain is a key technology behind Web3, known as related to the cryptocurrency bitcoin and its technology supports it. The bitcoin blockchain is a public ledger of activity of the bitcoin network. Nobody can claim ownership of bitcoin and not be issued and regulated by any central bank. Due to this reason, it is decentralized and the network is sustained by a global group of people running specialized computers. So blockchain is a key technology and decentralization is an important attribute. Web3 is based on the idea of a “trustless” model. Presently, ?we have no trust companies to deliver the service as given assurance. On the contrary, Web3 products and services are built on blockchains and are decentralized, so we have to trust the fundamental algorithm to bring that product. It also has some risks. An example of a Web3 version of Twitter would give more users control over their posts and make verifying identities easier, for example. Faking identity is difficult as we use cryptographic-based proofs that I have done this, and only I could possibly have done this. We have probably elements of sort of greater, like freedom of speech ?in the sense that the system isn’t going to inherently have gatekeepers that in the same way that you know, there are Twitter employees that act effectively as gatekeepers to the system.”
Web3 supporters advise cryptocurrencies will play a key role in the future of the internet. An example could be where there is a Web3 application that runs on a certain blockchain that uses a specific digital coin. For example, services that run on the Ethereum blockchain may require ether-based digital tokens. A plethora of virtual currencies emerged over the past few years. But Wood said that Web3 the way he envisions it, may not rely heavily on cryptocurrencies. But currency will not continue to play a role in services. But, we are arcing towards observing services be delivered without the need to use tokens. It will be a long jump, these key features that are going to open the door to the mainstream, as most people probably won’t want to buy lots of different tokens to use a service.
However, the pitfall is no discreet regulation possible as bitcoin itself has never been regulated because it is not owned by a single entity. However, businesses that hint at cryptocurrency in some way, such as exchanges, often find themselves under some sort of regulation. So if a Web3 service is built on the same theory of decentralization as bitcoin, how will regulators approach it?
For now, countries around the world are still trying to figure out how best to regulate cryptocurrencies and related technologies. Web3 is a part of that debate. It will be hard for authorities to regulate the Web3 services themselves. Instead, it could be in an app’s “own self-interest” in terms of its product to bring in rules that align with regulators. Regulators might look to regulate the “users of the service rather than the service itself.”
Web3 supports a solution that with Web3, the power of technology giants could be challenged. But, the above said giant companies are heavily investing in Web3. it will be “hard to make a dent but likened their potential plight to Microsoft in the late 2000s and into the coming years. Irrespective of using the Windows operating system, or authoring your document in Microsoft Word, Web3 is a platform, and the web could be used on any operating system. In the end, Web3 fulfills the needs of the future in a way that can never really be fulfilled by these centralized service providers. The degree of centralization/decentralization of the network is in the range; no network is entirely controllable or completely independent.
?Although not everything is so cloudless in Web 3.0, with the loss of control, it will become impossible to combat negative phenomena such as cybercrime, incitement to hatred, and disinformation, which are now increasingly challenging to deal with. Not to mention the laws because it is not completely clear which country's judicial authorities will have to be involved in disputes. And the scalability of transactions in Web 3.0 is still insignificant, which significantly slows down processing.
?Undoubtedly, ?Web 3.0 is an important step toward the progress of internet browsing and its use, but it is not perfect, so it is too early to bury Web 2.0. At the moment, the two strategies coexist perfectly. While the second still dominates, the third iteration is not far off. The following advantage and disadvantages will explain the change more pronounced:
Like every innovation, there is risk involved therein. But again new versions and innovations can remove the glitch. This is the way a human is moving ahead.