Weaving Calculations
A guide to calculations relating to yarn and cloth and all processes of weaving.It includes reed count, reed width, Maximum EPI for a particular count, weave density, crimp percentage, cloth cover factor etc.
A guide to calculations relating to yarn and cloth and all processes of weaving.It includes reed count, reed width, Maximum EPI for a particular count, weave density, crimp percentage, cloth cover factor etc.
- Reed Count
- It is calculated in stock port system.No. of dents in 2 inches is called Reed Count.
- Reed Count = EPI/(1 + Weft crimp %age)
- Reed Width
- Reed Width = Cloth Width *(100+ weft crimp %age)/100
- Crimp Percentage
- Crimp %age = {(Warp length – Cloth length)/Cloth Length}* 100
- Crimp %age = {(Warp width – Cloth width)/Cloth width}* 100
- Cloth Cover Factor
- Cloth Cover Factor = Wp.C.F +Wt.C.F. – {(Wp.C.F. – Wt.C.F)/28}
- Maximum EPI for particular count
- other design = (Ends /Repeat * 1/Yarn Diametre)/ (No of intersections/repeat+ ends/repeat)
- Warp Density
- = <350
- Weave Density = 50+{(Warp Density – 100) * F.D – 100} /{(Weft Density – 100)* F.D – 100}
- Effective Weave Density = W. D x K of loom width x K of Design
- = < 72
Wp / filling – K?Loom Width – K?Weave Design – KCotton = 1.00140 cm – 0.99Plain1/1 = 1.00Polyester/Cotton = 1.03180 cm – 1.00Twill 1/2 = 0.87Viscose Filament = 1.17190 cm – 1.01Matt, Gabardine 2/2 = 0.82Polyester Filament = 1.22220 cm – 1.02Drill 1/3 = 0.77250 cm – 1.08Satin 1/4 = 0.69330 cm – 1.15360 cm – 1.20
To change the count and the number of thread/inch, keeping the same denseness of fabric
To change the count without altering the denseness of the fabric
EPI in Exp.cloth = (EPI in exp.Cloth2/EPI in given cloth) * count in given cloth
To change the EPI without altering the denseness of the fabric
Warp requirement to weave the cloth
- Warp weight in grams /metre = {(Total Ends * 1.0936 * 453.59 * crimp %)/(840 * count)} * wastage %
- Weft weight in grams /metre ={(R.S. in inches * 453.59 * PPI)/(840 * count)} * wastage % * crimp %
- Cloth length in metres with given weft weight=( weft weight in kgs * weft count * 1848 * 0.9144)/(PPI * R.S in inches)
- Warp weight in grams /metre ={(Total Ends * count (Denier) )/9000} * wastage % * crimp %
- Weft weight in grams /metre = {(R.S in inches * count(Denier)* PPI)/9000}* wastage % * crimp %
Allowance for count in bleached and Dyed fabric
2. FinerDyed counts become max 6% Coarser
Fabric Production Calculation
- Loom Speed = Motor RPM * (Motor Pully Diametre)/(Loom Pully Diametre)
- Loom Effeciency Percentage = (Actual Production/Calculated Production )* 100
- Moisture Regain Percentage = {(Yarn Weight – Dried Yarn Weight)/Dried Yarn weight} * 100
- Moistue Content Percentage = {(Yarn Weight – Dried Yarn Weight)/Yarn weight} * 100
Type of YarnMoisture Regain %Moisture Content %Cotton8.507.83Jute13.7512.10Silk11.009.91Rayon, Viscose11.009.91Wool17.0014.50Nylon4.203.78
- Warp Weight in Kg = (Total Ends * Tape Length in meters)/(1693.6 * Warp Count)
- Weft Weight in Kg = (R.S in centimetres * cloth length in metres * PPI )/(4301.14 * weft Count)
- Cloth weight in GSM = {EPI/Warp Cout)+(PPI/Weft count)}* 25.6
- oz (ounce ) per sq. yard = GSM(Grams per sq. meter)/34
- Material Measurement
- To calculate the length of any rolled fabrics, this formula gives the nearest accuracy.
- L = {0.0655(D-d)(D+d)}/t
- Where L = Length of material (Feet)??t = Thickness of fabrics (inches)
- D = Outside diameter (inches)?d = Inside diameter (inches)
- The weight of yarn in a cloth
- The weight of cloth manufactured on looms depends upon the weight of yarns in the warp and weft: ends/inch, picks/inch and the weight of size on the warp. Therefore,
- Cloth weight = Weight of warp + Weight of weft + Weight of size (All in-lbs.)
- Whereas?Weight of warp in lbs. = (Total No. of Ends * Tape Length in Yards)/(840 * warp yarn count)