weather western Plains ABC
Annette Cremer
Carer At home-True believer of the ALP. IAM a unionist I will speak out I’m not scared.In a fight your gonna have to back down with me winning
BOGAN SHIRE (latest info available Friday 9am)
Regional roads:
MR7514 Cockies Road - sealed and unsealed
MR57 Tottenham Road
MR461 Cobar Condo Road - unsealed
MR424 Monkey Bridge Road
A number of unsealed roads are closed- the full list is available here:
NARROMINE SHIRE (last available info Friday 12pm)
The McGrane Way/Tullamore Road is closed to all vehicles. Local traffic only up to Oaks Bridge.
Trangie-Dandaloo Road - closed at Dandaloo to all vehicles
Gainsborough Road - closed to all vehicles west of Tomingley Road
OPEN to all vehicles. Please drive with caution.
Eumungerie Road (MR572)
Gundong Road
Dubbo-Burraway Road
Warren Road
Dubbo-Collie Road
There's an extensive list of roads closed in the shire. The most up to date list is available here:
WARREN SHIRE (latest info available Thursday at 12pm)
Council advise drivers travelling to Dubbo should use the State Highways through Nevertire and Trangie.
The following roads are closed:
All unsealed roads
SR66 Wambianna Road (Back Road to Dubbo) from and including the Reddenville Break to the Narromine Shire
SR64 Ellengerah Road; (Whole Road)
SR23 Gradgery Lane; (Whole Road)
SR81 Kiameron; (Whole Road)
SR36 Gibson Way; (Whole Road)
RR333 Carinda Road (closed 160km north of Warren at the Carinda Road/Brewarrina Road intersection/turnoff
SR83 Rifle Range Road (Whole Road)
SR91 Industrial Access Road (between Udora Road and Oxley Highway) Closed;
SR3 Canonba Road. (Whole Road)
Bundemar Road (at Stoney Crossing)
Roads open with caution:
SH11 Oxley Highway (Between Warren and Ewenmar Waste Depot) proceed with caution 40km/h
SR73 Udora Road proceed with caution.
SH202 Marthaguy Road proceed with caution, water over road in flood ways.
RR7515 Warren Road closed at Tenandra Bridge (Extreme Caution)
The most up to date road closures are available here:
DUBBO (last available info 3:15pm Thursday)
Tamworth Street Pedestrian Bridge
Shibble Pedestrian Bridge
WELLINGTON (last available info 2:15pm Thursday)
Mountain Valley Road @ Bell River Crossing
Naroogal Road @ Bell River Crossing
Forrestvale Road @ Spicer's Creek
Loombah Road, Eurimbla @ Bruton Creek (bridge failure)
Little River Road @ Little River
Tarwong Lane (pavement failure)
Old Dubbo Road, from Mitchell Highway @ Geurie to Wellington Street Geurie (Drainage works being undertaken)
Hawkins Street @ Bell River Crossing Road
Spilsbury Lane @ Bell River Crossing
Herbert Street and Gobolion Street @ Low Level Bridge, Wellington - Closed indefinitely
The most up to date road closures are available here:
For the latest on sporting grounds and facilities:
BOURKE SHIRE (last available info 10:30am Tuesday)
State highways are currently open, there is one main road closed:
MR-68S Louth - Tilpa East side is closed
The full list of road closures for all roads including rural are available here:
COBAR SHIRE (last available info 8am Wednesday)
State highways are open, a number of regional and rural roads are closed:
The most up to date road closures are available here:
WARRUMBUNGLE SHIRE (last available info 4pm day)
There are multiple road closures in:
The full and most up to date list for those towns is available here:
GILGANDRA SHIRE (last available info 11am Wednesday)
Arthursleigh Road is now open to 4WD and Heavy vehicles only from the southern end. Light vehicles should continue to access this road from the Castlereagh Hwy.
All other roads within the Shire are open. However, the road network is still affected by the recent wet weather and motorists should exercise caution and drive to the conditions.
The latest info is available via council's facebook page:
COONAMBLE SHIRE (last available info 12pm Wednesday)
The following roads are closed:
All unsealed roads
Gibson Way is currently closed mid-way between Quambone and Burrima Boardwalk at Bulgeraga Creek. Gibson Way is also closed west of its intersection with Sandy Camp Road due to flooding over Little Terrigal and Big Terrigal Causeways.
Pilliga Road is closed to light vehicles, with about 25cm of water across the causeways north of the Floddenfield Road intersection. The road is open to 4WD and trucks only
Quambone Road is closed at Euronne Gully, where about 35cm of water is across the causeway.
Warren Road Warren Road is now open but there is up to 20cm of water across causeways. All drivers should be mindful of hidden washouts and potholes underwater at causeways, if choosing to proceed.
Sandy Camp Road is closed north of its intersection with Gibson Way due to flooding over the Gargee Causeway. Properties along Sandy Camp Road can be accessed from the north via Dusty Swamp Road, off Merri Merri Road. Road use in the area is restricted to essential traffic only.
Warren Road is open but has water across the causeways
The most up to date road closures are available here:
MID WESTERN REGION (last available info 10mm Friday)
The following roads are closed:
Upper Mebul Road, Mebul has been closed in both directions (at Spring Ridge Road and at Mebul Road) due to sections of the road being impassable.
Accessible to local residents only with no through traffic permitted. Please follow signage and drive to the conditions.
Spring Creek Road, Gulgong
Gorries Lane, Goolma (at the bridge)
The most up to date road closures are available here:
WALGETT (last available info 1:30pm Tuesday)
All unsealed roads are closed
SR103 Bugilbone Road closed (Burren Junction to Pilliga)
RR 202 Merri Merri
RR 333 Carinda (Carinda-Warren, Bells Bridge)
There's a long list of other closures - all available here:
BREWARRINA SHIRE (last available info 10am Wednesday 28th September)
Some unsealed roads are open with caution to 4WD only.
There's a long list of closures - the full list is available here:
The most up to date road closures are available here:
The most up to date road closures are available here:
The most up to date road closures are available here:
Local roads may close quickly due to rainfall. Check your council website or Facebook for the latest and never drive through floodwaters.
For the latest information on state roads and highways closed or with water over them: