Weather, regulator and concessionaires
Every year, history repeats itself. in Brazil.
Storms happen!
How can we deal with the long power interruptions that have been observed, with increasing intensity and frequency?
There are three main actors: (1) concessionaires, (2) ANEEL and (3) local city governments. They have the joint responsibility of ensuring that the electrical grids are operating "clean" in their surroundings.
Trees, bushes and branches must be kept far enough away from the grids to avoid what always happens. They must necessarily work in a partnership environment - as provided for in the regulation, using plans with activities, deadlines and responsible parties.
City governments must efficiently resolve the issue of removing trees that pose a danger to the grids.
Concessionaires must prune around medium voltage grids and city governments around low voltage grids. ANEEL must closely inspect the works!
All of these actors have their compensation included in the regulated tariffs. So it's a matter of demanding that everyone does what is expected or what? Are there leaders of these 3 actors of the stature needed to "make it happen"?