There has been a lot of talk about what the 'new' offices, those of the return, would be like after lockdown. To tell the truth, there is still much talk about it and measures are being taken with something that today seems at times archaic and anachronistic: a desk, a chair, a computer. That’s it? No, or at least only part of it. The spaces widen and make room for gyms, shared kitchens, reading rooms. The walls are filled with works of art, the corridors of plants.?
“The well-being of the worker at the centre” thunders the mantra.
It is the offices that drive real estate investment. And if there are those who are ready to invest a considerable amount of capital, it means that there is work, the desire to attend parliamentary spaces as well.
In short, at work you want to feel good, it has become an essential condition. A chapter, the well-being of workers, wellbeing, which today has as much weight in sustainability balances as the Carbon Footprint.
A++’s approach is inspired by man and his main activities, such as socialising or living. These fundamental aspects of human living will be transposed to the physical space, thinking of the built as an indispensable tool to reach the condition of well-being. in other words, the design of our lived space is significant because it is a representation of our subjectivity: how we live is a sign of how we think, feel and imagine the world.