Ghosting someone's email response, after you've already engaged with them, is by far one of the worst business habits I've seen more of lately.
If you're engaging with someone but then for whatever reason are no longer interested, it's best to be upfront with that individual.
If you're on the other side of a communication of someone selling themselves or attempting to network for say a change in their career, or selling their startup's services, the best thing you can do is be upfront, and honest.
Don't waste yours/their time by a.) feigning interest, or b.) pretending they don't exist. Especially, if they're already in your network.
Yes, we all get cold emails, and it would not be smart or strategic to respond to each one.
My point is this... if you've already engaged, then be honest with your feedback and close the loop. Don't just go radio silent, expecting it to "just go away".
I'm a great believer in karma, and one of the principles of karma is the sacred principle of synchronicity, which simply states that we are all connected. Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important that it gets done.
If the next step in someone's journey stops at you, that is fine. Just be clear, so they can do the work to move onto the next step in their journey.
You wouldn't want to be stuck on a step, or waste your time thinking maybe the other person just randomly missed a call or email.
If I have done some random form of kindness for you, whether it's in your career or in life, I am simply paying it forward b/c someone else has taken the time to engage with me, and help me.
Don't forget it: #WeAreAllConnected