Wearable Technology - North Starr

Wearable Technology - North Starr

The world of wearables continues to grow and improve as smartwatches get smarter, fitness trackers track even more and augmented and virtual reality headsets blur the lines between fantasy and real life even further.

Predictions suggest over 245 million wearables will be sold throughout 2019....

The Sports Division at The North Starr are delighted to be working with some of the most innovative Sports Technology companies in the UK and overseas.

If you are looking for your next role in this market space then please contact me on [email protected]

We would love to help you find your dream role in this exciting sector....

If you are a Company, wondering where you can find candidates who understand the Market Space, and Industry then please let me know your needs and we would be delighted to help make you the ‘best you can be’.


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