Wear a mask, or don't wear a mask.
From my Mom's perspective ...

Wear a mask, or don't wear a mask. From my Mom's perspective ...

It is your choice. I get that.

But here are some thoughts from my Mom's perspective.

(She is no longer with us, so I am speaking for her).

My Mom died about 20 years ago, in her mid 70's.

This was unusual because, in her early 20's, she got TB.

It was common at the time. There was no cure. 

Sound familiar?

She was sent to a sanitorium. From her ward of about 30 people, a handful survived. 3 went on to live into their 30's. My Mom and 2 of her closest friends. 

To try to find a cure for TB, they tried different things. Some seem downright odd, others barbaric. For example, they wheeled the beds outside, in winter, to see if the cold would help. It must have seemed like a good idea at the time.

My Mom also had experimental surgery. They removed half of her rib cage. 

Hugging her always felt odd, as half or her simply wasn't there. That didn't work either.

Wearing a mask would have seemed like an excellent option to my Mom and TB killed far more people than Covid-19 has, so far.

Wearing a mask isn't about saving your life. It isn't a choice, for you. It is a choice for others. If I wear a mask I am making a statement that I value your life. I may, or may not be limiting the chances of you catching something from me, But at least I have reduced the chance that you will catch Covid-19, from me. 

My Mom was ill for most of her life. She had some good years and I remember those well. She also had some really bad years. I remember those too.

The world has moved on, but 'threats' and real illnesses continue, but the pain of wearing a mask seems trivial compared to what my parents generation went through to get us past previous pandemics, like TB.

Still don't know what TB is? Go and Google it. 

Then think twice about wearing a mask when you go out.

Not for you ... but for everyone else. 

Or maybe, for my Mom. 

For Joan Wood, who can't tell this tale herself.

Image from Adam Nie?cioruk on PictureStock


