Wear Confidence. Its the height of fashion
Leonie Morris, Psy.D
Wear Confidence. Its the height of fashion
"meet your new Director, Leonie Morris, she's joining us today to say a few words" ....
I looked around at a crowded room of people I didn't know, I didn't see a single friendly face, my mouth went dry, my stomach started doing massive flip flops, my breathing became harsh and shallow, my mind went totally blank and my cheeks burned. How I managed to share an introductory and inspiring few words I will never know.
I was suffering from 'imposter syndrome'. My own thinking had conjured up a self image that was distinctly lacking; I wasn't good enough, over promoted, I didn't know enough, I would be found out! No wonder I suffered extreme stage fright at my first meeting.
Our own imagination is incredibly powerful and compelling. On a good day it can serve us well ... on a bad day it can wreak havoc. The curse of the self-limiting beliefs!
Has this ever happened to you?
The next time you have anxious thinking, know that it is only thought ... a self made illusion. Try this. Breathe. Slow down. Your thinking is not you. It knows nothing about you, your past or your future. Focus the spotlight of your attention on who you really are. The creator, the self leader, the one who is perfectly evolved to thrive in this world. You will find your inner peace. You will flow.
You can wear authentic confidence ... it is the height of fashion