The wealthy respond positively to ...excitement! (But here's what that really means)

The wealthy respond positively to ...excitement! (But here's what that really means)

One of the advantages of having been in business for over 30 years is that I’ve had the chance to meet a lot of very different people.?

Some such as Tom Ford and Richard Branson reached the absolute pinnacle of their respective fields.?

Others… fell short.

Usually not because of a lack of talent, but rather due to a lack of persistence.?

At some point they said, “Why bother?” and stopped trying. And whatever level of success they had achieved at that point was pretty much all they got.

So what accounts for great success? Obviously there are a number of factors (luck is one that’s important, that you can’t control so no point in worrying about it)… but tenacity… sheer persistence is so often the defining characteristic.?

But here’s what’s often overlooked.???

How to stay tenacious in the face of disinterest.

I posed that question to both Mr Ford and Sir Richard.

Interestingly their answers were remarkably similar.

?? “Excitement”???

You’ve got to be excited about what you do. ???? That’s what motivates you to keep going.

I can’t remember who said it but it is so true…?”It’s very easy to get excited about something. The real trick is to stay excited.”

Tom Ford is passionate about design and film making.

Richard Branson is passionate about… well practically everything he gets involved in.

Are you equally passionate about what you do????

People who are excited about what they do… who wake up each morning with a burning desire to get the day started…. recognize and appreciate that same level of excitement in others.

I can’t promise that by becoming a subscriber to my Whales Not Minnows Video Newsletter?you’ll become more passionate about your chosen profession.

What I will promise you, is that it will enable you to channel your excitement into messages and strategies that will resonate with the affluent market.

And best of all… you can take it for a test drive for FREE.

All the information is HERE.

See you on the next page,?



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