Wealth & Power
Pic: MC For Life

Wealth & Power

A young guy I know recently lamented over people with qualifications, skills and experience not being able to 'climb the ladder of success'. He felt that someone with the right skills and experience should be a CEO/COO by now.

Really? Is that even a guarantee in life if you've ticked all the right boxes? Is wealth and a title what everyone should aim for, and if you don't get what others deem to be the benchmark for success in life, you're to be labelled a failure or washout?

There are many forms of wealth, power and success in life. It's not just money, money, money!

1) Wealth of your inner self/wealth of love. Spirit, meditation? Whatever helps clarity of thought and sense of purpose. Respect yourself and love yourself first. Think of one positive thing daily. Then spread the love to others.

2) Physical health. As you age you understand that health TRULY IS WEALTH! Don't be the most hardworking person in the graveyard or hospital ward.

3) Wealth of mindset. Motivated or depressed? You're the master of your own destiny. Read motivational quotes, keep trying, keep persevering. Never give up!

4) Wealth of family and social circle. Quality time. Relationships you can nurture and improve. Are you surrounding yourself with righteous or toxic people? Look at your 5 closest friends. Same mindset? Thought process? Time is finite. Spend your time with people wisely. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.

5) Professional wealth. The passion and happiness from doing good work, helping your colleagues, servant leadership.

6) Financial wealth. Not just amassing money but being prudent in spending. Invest wisely. Acquire knowledge to stash savings away the right way.

7) Wealth of discovery and adventure/experiences. Where have you been to? Have you taken time off to discover your own state/country? Have you been to all states? It doesn't necessarily take tons of money.

8) Wealth of legacy. What you've done to impact your family, children, friends and community that they remember you by after you're gone. What stories will they tell?

Just because something does not have a monetary value, does not mean it is worthless. Having strong connections with friends and family is often considered a major component of wealth – since these things cannot be bought or sold, they are “intangible”.

Companies also have intangible wealth. For example, if the public opinion is generally positive, this is an asset the company has even though it might not be possible to assign a specific dollar value to that goodwill.

For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

Mazin Siraj

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3 年

The closing line needs to be framed up


