Wealth Management V. Health Management
How is yoga like saving for retirement?? Yoga students, like retirement savers, regret starting late. Just as early, consistent savers enjoy compound interest, young, consistent, yoga practitioners stockpile flexibility, balance, and strength to reverse aging.? People begin practicing yoga, feel amazing and inevitably wish they had started decades earlier.
Start doing yoga NOW and avoid post-holiday bloat later.? The caveat is, you must DO the yoga just as you must STASH the cash.? Start yoga NOW because you will want more tone, calm, and coordination three months from now.
Starting yoga NOW commences the New Year with a 60-day tailwind that began November 1.? In honor of your starting now, I am offering two complimentary classes with the purchase of one four months (16 class pass). ?You cannot skip the work, but you can use hindsight NOW and skip the regret later.? Contact me for more details.