Wealth Creators University / Blueprint / Level 1 / Step 1
Hi there, welcome to the WCU Blueprint session L1/S1.
So the first step is;
Now I know some people might say, well I first need to know my client before I can target them. I like to differ on that. I want to know, that this is part of my interest. My passion. So I`m going to decree the market that I`m going to work in. And that is why the first thing that I need to know is to target my client.
Ok, so who is your customer? There are some questions that you need to ask;
Or who is your client? or your prospect.
The next question that I need to ask is, how can I add more value and make it more interesting to them.
So can you see that if I target my market... I want to add immense value to that market, but at the same time, I want to make it as interesting as possible for them.
Right, so how on earth am I going to find this specific market?
In order to target it. We`ve got a whole procedure, a whole process that we are going to take you through. Both on the theoretical as well as in the practical side.
We can also use things like google search, Clickbank.
We`ll show you again click by click how to do it. We are also using Amazon to find that, and to target your client. Also, Quantcast and Plentyoffish to do it.
Now here is what I want you to do, I want you to ask these questions..
First of all,
Who is my customer?
You must be able to be very specific and clear and be able to say exactly this is my customer.
Then secondly, you need to know... How can I add value?
And the way to see what they want, we`ll get there also. Is simply to go and do your market research in terms of all the various platforms mentioned above.
So once we know that, we are going to move on to the next reading.