WEALTH is a cumulative value when used as a measure, or the concept of abundance when used more abstractly.
Though commonly used for money or physical possessions, the origin of the word appears to come from “well” and “health”.
“So many people spend their HEALTH gaining WEALTH, and then have to spend their WEALTH to regain their HEALTH” – A.J. Reb Materi
When I think of WEALTH I think of WEALTH of experience, WEALTH of knowledge, and WEALTH of connections. When I am seeking value from others it is usually for their experience, knowledge or connections – less commonly for money or health. And when I am providing value to others it is usually providing experience, knowledge or connections – less commonly money or health.
In the process the money transferred for health information facilitates a lot – supporting thousands of people to support millions of people – but the true WEALTH is found in the experience, knowledge and connections and the value goes far beyond the financial scorekeeping. MEETING information needs for healthcare decision-making is, on a global and social scale, a way to use our WEALTH to regain HEALTH.