In GENERAL one can predict about the weakness of a person by knowing the ascendant rashi / zodiac sign of horoscope only of that person. In general it is seen that a person suffers from the significance of that house in which the ascendant lord get debilitated.
For Aries ascendant :?The ascendant lord mars gets debilitated in 4th house of cancer. It is seen in general that a person of arise ascendant are mostly focusing on building property, buy land, house, vehicles and try to have happiness at home as they want peace at home. These people are short tempered kind of people and tempt to fight for small things. They may find hurdles in their school day studies.
Taurus Ascendant :?The ascendant lord is venus and it gets debilitated in 5th house of virgo. These are the kind of people who very fond of delicious food and so they are great foodie. But unfortunately their stomach do not support much because of bad digestion. Their focus is on making wealth thru personal gains and that is the reason they find less time to focus on their children. They are always in search for true love which they do not get. Their ego sometime let them down in-front of the society.
Gemini Ascendant :?The ascendant lord mercury gets debilitated in 10th house of pisces. People having Gemini ascendant do not easily find comfort in their career. They want an easy type of job with no responsibilities. They have a bad habit that they know everything as they have basic knowledge of all jobs but lacks in the finer and in-depth knowledge of it and so they lack behind in their progress in life. This is the reason why they have an unstable career. They have a lust to have reputation and status in the society which remains as illusion only.
Cancer ascendant :?The ascendant lord moon gets debilitated in 5th house of scorpio. These are the people who does much for their children but still their children feels they are not satisfied with his effort, they expected more. They are always in search of true love. They lack in creativity and so they often copy from others. They are not very expressive and so they sometimes find difficult in their explanation.
Leo ascendant :?The ascendant lord sun gets debilitated in the 3rd house of Libra. These are the people who are egoistic in nature and are obsessed with a thought that they can do anything as they have all kind of knowledge and contacts in the society and people will run to help him when he will be in need. These leo ascendant people are poor in communication and often cannot express what they want to say and they feel that the other person should automatically understand him. They are sensitive to gossip and cause problem to them. They are generally not a good student and donot listen to anyone. They usually pass their comment where and when it is not needed and get back the repercussion of it.
Virgo ascendant :?Mercury is the ascendant lord and it gets debilitated in 7th house of Pisces. These are the people who have habits of talking critical about others and so they are also some time back fired and thus they have a shabby image in the society because of their habit. They are often seen saying sorry to others as they cannot keep up with their promises. They always want to do an independent business, which is an illusion which they always have. They find it difficult to mingle with others easily as they want others to tell things with full detailing which interest him.
Libra ascendant :?Venus being the lord of sign Libra gets debilitated in 12th house of Virgo. These people do not have control over their expenses. They are very particular about their youthful look and avoid talking about their age as the count of age makes them very conscious of growing older. These people always go to doctors for very small issues also and a medicine lover. They always misjudge people and have faith in wrong people and so they get cheated and suffer losses. They keep their promise even if they make losses.
Scorpio ascendant :?Mars is the ascendant lord of scorpio ascendant and it get debilitated in the 9th house of cancer. These are the people who get puzzled between ethically right or wrong as there are many parameters which makes them difficult to distinguish between them. These people seek higher knowledge and often puzzle themselves with its some question of their own. Their basic question is purpose of life that they want to understand with their own understanding.
Sagittarius ascendant :?Jupiter being the lord of this house gets debilitated in 2nd house of Capricorn. These are the people who give untimely advice to people when they do not need it and thus gets criticized from behind. They have good knowledge about subjects but can be seen as preacher who do not practice. They cannot control over their food eating habit and often develop over weight. They can smile in tense situation also. They are always seen in discomfort and is busy is solving their money problem.
Capricorn ascendant :?Saturn being the lord of the house gets debilitated in the 4th house of aries. These are workaholic people and do not like relaxing. At home even in holiday they will take up some work and do it. This is the reason the family members get annoyed on him as he is not seen mingling in, with family at home. They have good interest in having good home, buying land and property, vehicle and having extra knowledge of some useful subjects. They love making their home more comfortable and he himself hardly find time to relax at home.
Aquarius ascendant :?Saturn is the lord of this ascendant gets debilitated in the 3rd house of aries. These are the people who are weak in communication skill and so they often leak out the secrets unknowingly. They do not trust their own colleagues as they themselves do not have their own self believe. They want to be different from other but they are common. They have their own set of mind and believe in their own decisions only and so they don’t listen to others.
Pisces ascendant :?Jupiter is the lord of this house gets debilitated in the 11th house of Capricorn. These are the people who are often betrayed by his friends. They may have good subjective knowledge but do not know how to monetize it. They are cheated or betrayed by people whom he helped them in past. These are people who always find hurdles in their wish fulfillment and it is seen delayed in their life. They are always in search of a true friend which is far far away from them.
Readers must understand that this is in general and it will differ from person to person as per his own horoscope as all planets in that horoscope give their own impacts and as per that the destiny will give its results.