Things are going well.? A minor thing occurs, but no serious consequence and things seem to keep working. So, we move on as always.? But we received a wakeup call and “slept” through.
?We live in a Set-and-Forget culture.? We plug a device in, install an App, or start a process and then move on. This is done for convenience and simplicity.? But unintentionally this leads to us to a mishap, an error, or in a worst-case scenario, significant harm.
?Generally, things go fine for a period of time, so much so, we get comfortable and relax (complacent).? Afterall, things have been working and nothing has seriously gone wrong for a long while.? But there is indeed a minor problem brewing or a small defect in the system (weak signals), that if not attended will progress over time to the failure.? A failure that will result in a significant impact to our safety, to the environment or to our finances.? We are surprised when that event happens.? But subsequent investigation tells us there was a “weak signal” long before the event.
Researching the hundreds of significant/catastrophic incidents in the chemical/oil/gas industries affirms that every significant incident was preceded by a history of smaller events.? The incident investigations may even attest that if action had been taken when these prior events (weak signals) occurred the significant incident would have been prevented.
Excerpts from CHEVRON RICHMOND CA August 2012 CSB April 15, 2013 Report
?The overwhelming tendency is to respond to weak signals with a relaxed response.? Yes, something bad happened, but it didn’t result in anything major.?
?An organization with a high reliability for safe operations sees the significant meaning of these weak signals and gives a strong response to those weak signals.
Mindfulness requires that we are ever alert to our environment.? Having the mindset (a way of operating) that there is a potential problem out there, and we need to find it. Call it chronic unease or constant vigilance.
And when something minor presents, assess if it is a “weak signal” of a defect in the system.? If so, manage it then -- before it “festers” into the major failure.