Are We There Yet?
In this article, I’m going to be direct about what’s needed from you as a leader and a reminder of what you need to be doing for yourself.
A few weeks ago I saw a tweet that said, "this week has been the longest month." Have you been feeling that way too?
The past year brought a bag of tricks we weren’t anticipating.
You may also be having that feeling you had when you were a child on a long car ride with your parents and you were dying to get out of the car. In frustration and agony, you couldn’t help it, you kept asking, “Are we there yet?”
We are not there yet. Vaccines are being rolled out, but we are a long way from healing as a nation and as a globe.
Though you are likely feeling a bit tired and uncertain, this is a great time to be a leader.
When times are uncertain and chaos is ensuing, that’s when people are looking to those who lead to help them navigate a path through.
If you are a leader, and I’m assuming you are if you are reading this article, those who look to you for guidance need you to bring your best self forward right now.
It's a lot to ask of you, but there’s a lot at stake. You won’t help anyone if you are easily triggered and reactionary right now.
Managing Conflict
I have lost count of the number of times I had to give myself a talking to over the last couple of weeks, telling myself, “don’t engage, don’t engage, it’s not worth it.”
Have you found yourself digging deep recently to stay away from conflict?
The number of messages I've received in the past couple of months detailing a "crazy" post on social media and the sender's struggle to not respond or comment on it have been numerous.
I've seen a few and have been triggered by them as well. I want to react and discharge the emotion.
And then I remember I am a leader and I have a bigger mission at stake. A moment of unleashing my pent-up frustration cannot be taken back and could hurt my cause significantly.
Thoughts like, "don't engage, it's not worth it", may not be of the highest virtue but they've saved me from acting rashly and I'm grateful for that.
Take Care of Yourself
We all feel a little on edge at times. And you especially, as a leader, need to take time to take care of yourself.
If you need to vent to a trusted friend, unplug from the news, delete your social media apps from your phone or take a nap in the middle of the day - do it. Doing something nice for someone else will also make you feel good.
I’d love to hear what helps you to stay above the fray?
You can reach out to me directly at [email protected] or send me a connection request letting me know you read this article. I'm always happy to connect with like minds!