We are working for Autonomous flight
We are working for Autonomous flight, what do you do for business(@EASA @FAA)?
Passenger UAV(like Ehang 216) can follow AP-21-03 to get TC;
Cargo UAV(like Ehang 216 Cargo) can follow AP-21-32 to get TC;
To get Standards/Special AC can follow AP-21-AA-2021-XX
The Regulation Framework looks good.
CAAC News: https://www.caac.gov.cn/HDJL/YJZJ/202110/t20211029_209813.html
Pragmatic solutions for aviation industry
3 年I hope that in China all chalenges are solved as indicaded here: https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/uam-short-report.pdf