We Won't Abandon You

We Won't Abandon You

Here's your website, now go kick rocks!

Hey, some website companies do that. They build this grandiose website for you then say, "here ya go, good luck".

Then they disappear.

They offer ZERO support.

And you're left with a website that you can't operate.

And what if something happens?

Oh, no the website looks wonky, or it got hacked or you tried to go in and tinker with it only to make it FUBAR.

Yeah, we're not like that.

We not only build websites our clients can use, we show them how they work. We teach them how to blog, how to create new pages and what to do if they tinker too much.

Over the last few months, with the new Gutenberg editor for Wordpress, had we not been there for our clients they would essentially be SOL.

Gutenberg is the "New Coke" in the Wordpress evolution and let me tell you...it blows. It's horrible. And it's driving web builders bonkers. Plus, the constant updates required to keep themes jiving with Gutenberg are causing cascading plugin failures. Which in turn, breaks websites.

Again if clients are left to figure this out...mass hysteria. And yet, there are companies that completely abandon their customers the moment they hand over that website.

So when we get clients who say, "Rob something is weird with the site." We're on it. We take care of it. And sometimes we stay up late without sleep to make sure a client's site is recovered and working the way it's supposed to.

We even created our own hosting platform so that we can monitor our client's websites 24/7/365. We want them in a safe environment, free of hackers and intruders.

Oh, and lets not forget about optimization...that's a biggie. We wrote the book on it. Seriously we did. It's called "Optimize This" and it became an Amazon #1 Best Seller in the United Staes, Canada, Australia and Japan in December 2014. And, was on the Top 10 list in several other countries as well. So we know a thing or two.

Now I know what you're going to say..."Best Seller, pfft, that was 5 years ago, lots of things have changed in the SEO world." Yes, they have. But, the concepts we wrote about in the book are still fundamental to how Google ranks websites in the search results. Which means when optimized your website gets found by your customers.

So there ya go...a little bit about us and what to expect from us. Now do you want a web builder who tells you to get lost or a team of professionals who hold your hand through the whole process, that protect your website into the wee hours of the night and make sure its super ranked on Google?

Want to learn more? Post a comment, send us a message or visit our website to get started.

About Rob

Rob is an experienced Digital Marketing Strategist, Author, Corporate Ghostwriter, Speaker and Trust Creator who can transform and monetize your brand.

He's the author of "Social Media Debunked", "Share: 27 Ways To Boost Your Social Media Experience, Build Trust and Attract Followers", "Lessons From The Dojo: 101 Ways To Improve Your Life, Business and Relationships" and "Rob Versus The Scammers: Protecting The World Against Fraud, Nuisance Calls and Downright Phony Scams" and the coauthor of "Optimize This: How Two Carpet Cleaners Consistently Beat Web Designers On The Search Engines", "The #AskDrA Book Series: Easy & Practical Answers To Enjoying Life As A New Sleever", "No Experience Necessary: Social Media For The Boomers, Gen X-ers & The Over 50 Entrepreneur" and "Power Guesting: Insider Secrets To Profit From Being A Great Podcasting Guest."

Rob helps companies across the globe generate new revenue and capture online business. Rob is also available to share talks and give interviews. To learn more and to get started visit www.AnspachMedia.com or call Anspach Media at (412)267-7224 today.


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