Are We Witnessing the Fall of America?
Are We Witnessing The FALL OF AMERICA?
by Ken Simmons
Lately there has been a great deal of concern that the idea, the dream of America, is on the decline and its eventual collapse may be inevitable. Let’s consider some of the reasons this may be true.
On the 31st of March, 2023, Brazil allied itself and its currency with Communist China, indicating it would no longer trade in petro dollars (USD) but will instead utilize the Chinese Yuan. The U.S. dollar has been the Reserve Currency of the world since the end of World War II, and if this trend continues the U.S. could rapidly see the U.S. dollar lose its status as the currency utilized by virtually all the nations of the world in international trade. If this occurs, and some say it is inevitable, the collapse of the American dollar would drastically alter the way of life and the standard of living in America.
If that were not sufficiently serious, the next puts America on even more precarious footing, and that is the rapid moral decay in what was the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
What I referenced as “precarious footing” centers on the subject of morality, and that begs the question -- where do we get our concept of morality in the first place? Although the radical left in America screams “foul,” at the mention of morality, this writer believes that the very concept of what we hold to be right and wrong, i.e., moral, comes from the Bible and the teachings found in it. Judeo-Christian values were found throughout America’s founding documents, including the Bill of Rights. It was the teachings of Jesus that inspired many of our founding fathers when they developed the blueprint for what we call . . . America.?
Certain values we find to be abhorrent and unacceptable are brought to light when we learn of children being indoctrinated in LGBTQ philosophy and the racist rhetoric of Black Lives Matter which was founded by self-declared Marxists. Gender reassignment and the sexual mutilation of children, which normal thinking Americans believe to be outrageous and unthinkable, has become normalized by the radical left. That same left seems surprised when we object to children being subjected to vulgar performances of drag queens in their schools. It is unimaginable, but unfortunately no longer surprising, that philosophies such as these are being promoted by the current administration in Washington, D.C.
Although Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, the issue of abortion was sent back to the states where it should have been in the first place. And yet there are those who are crying foul over that decision, while someone actually plotted to assassinate a Supreme Court justice over the issue. Apparently, the fact that more than 63 million babies have been killed in what this writer believes is a torture chamber inside the womb since Roe v. Wade in 1973, but the radical left seems to think that 63 million is not enough. There will be those who are outraged by my “torture chamber” characterization, so let’s look at why that description is accurate.
In the procedure known as Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) the abortionist uses a metal clamp to rip the unborn child’s body limb from limb. Ultrasound videos show the baby desperately trying to escape this torture.?
Next, during the suction D&C a catheter is inserted into the womb and the baby’s body is violently torn apart by the suction force of this machine. Again, this is torture.
Finally, although not as common as the above two procedures, equally barbaric is late-term abortion during which the baby’s head is out of the birth canal when a pair of scissors is jammed into the skull. The abortionist then twists the scissors to make certain death occurs. This is torture on a level that would make the Third Reich’s Dr. Mengele proud. ?
In third-world countries it is commonplace for the ruling parties to persecute and silence any opposition to their power and control. And yet, in our country this has now become the tactic of leftists who use it to attack and silence anyone who dares threaten their power and control. During the Obama Administration Lois Lerner, who was the Director of the Exempt Organization at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), targeted conservative organizations and blocked their 501c3 tax- exempt status applications. But the weaponization of the Justice Department in the Biden Administration has gone far beyond what Lois Lerner could have ever dreamed or imagined. ?
Concerned parents have been labeled “domestic terrorists” by the Justice Department by Attorney General Merrick Garland, for the crime of appearing at school board meetings and seeking accountability as to why our school children were being taught “Woke,” and Marxist Black Lives Matter ideology, and are being sexualized and subjected to vulgar drag queen performances in their schools to some as early as in kindergarten. And yet, the left celebrates this as “enlightenment” for the children. It was Jesus who once said concerning those who would harm little children, “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” (Luke 17:2).
The latest in these tactics of the far left was the unprecedented indictment of former President Donald Trump on March 30, 2023 by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, whose election campaign was funded by George Soros. Bragg’s campaign centered primarily around his pledge to “get Donald Trump.” Whether you are a fan of Trump, or not, this has never happened before, and hopefully will never happen again.
Bragg, who is the DA in a local district (Manhattan) has taken a local matter and attempted to make it a federal crime, for which he had no jurisdiction. He also has attempted to take what was a misdemeanor and elevate it to the level of a felony. In addition, whether a misdemeanor or felony, it has gone far beyond the statute of limitations for either, but that appears not to matter for a man who has repeatedly downgraded felonies to misdemeanors for real crimes, and considers what he alleges Donald Trump to have done punishable by imprisonment, while he repeatedly ignores crimes of rape and aggravated assault and even murder worthy of a reduction of the sentence, or often a slap on the wrist.
This entire case will likely be dismissed by a higher court on appeal, on the basis that it represents prosecutorial misconduct, and that it lacks jurisdiction, but it shines a spotlight on the weaponization of the federal government by going after political opponents, as one would find in countries such as the former Soviet Union, Communist China, or Iran. etc. This is a prima fascia case of election interference, as Donald Trump is the leading candidate for the Republican Party and if he wins the nomination to represent the GOP in 2024 it is likely he will face Joe Biden as his opponent . . . again. The irony of the timing of this case is loud and clear.??
In response to the question posed in the title of this piece, if America survives many believe, as does this writer, that it will only do so as the result of prayer and a return to its long-standing Judeo-Christian values. There are signs indicating this may be happening. Hopefully it is not a case of being too little too late.
It appears that a move of God is beginning in America, and in Asbury, Kentucky, college students at Asbury University began to experience God in ways that are reminiscent of the powerful Jesus Movement that began in the late 60’s and well into the 70’s. It has also been recently reported that a similar movement has also begun in California..
Unfortunately, many, including the press, credited me, personally, with bringing the Jesus Movement, along with the Charismatic Movement, to Florida during those years. I reject those claims, giving me undo credit to what was a sweeping move of God, but I am pleased to say that I was deeply involved in that movement, and we saw countless lives changed, heroin addicts healed without withdrawals, and people set free from demonic oppression and possession. It was possibly the most rewarding period in my life. This is all chronicled in my book “The Prodigal Diaries."
If America is to survive it will do so by returning to its values as a nation whose motto is “One nation, under God.” The following bears repeating:
“if My people who are?called by My name will?humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,?then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2Chronicles 7:14). ???????????????????
Homo sum humani a me nihil alienum puto.
1 年No. We are witnessing a ninny. "Former President Trump’s claim to a Fox News anchor?that New York court employees were “crying” and apologizing for his arraignment on felony charges is “absolute BS” and doesn’t remotely resemble what took place, a law enforcement source familiar with the details of what transpired that day told Yahoo News. “Zero,” said the source when asked how much truth there was to Trump’s colorful account. “There were zero people crying. There were zero people saying ‘I’m sorry.’” Trump offered his version of events in?an interview with the Fox News host Tucker Carlson?that aired Tuesday night."