Are We Willing TO Surrender
“So, it is the night of Christmas, and everywhere throughout the house, so many are now gathering their own thoughts of the day’s activities, while many of the past days throughout the year (s) coming flooding into our minds; as we settle down by ourselves, our thoughts once again remain.”
“Are we willing and do we remain ever so available and ready, to leave the 99 things on our own, “to do list,” in order to seek after the only TRUE ONE, who is the only Good and Righteous One God?”
“This is known only within each one of our own spirit and soul, as we daily battle our flesh and our minds, through individual acknowledgement and personal relationship, between our Lord Jesus Christ, and ourselves.”
“If the statement above leaves anyone wondering if they themselves, have been, are and shall truly remain in continuing their own personal relationship with God, or if any are continuing in wondering if their own salvation is true and complete, This statement is anointed by God, in order to call back to Himself, His very Own, “ONE,” by name, as He has left the 99 to seek after the “ONE” He loves and desires to return to Him, and the other 99.”
“The greatest wisdom and knowledge, in understanding individually, not by our own power and might, but by His Spirit, does He and is He, even shall He, continuing calling out to us each; in order to return us, restore us, right into Himself, by and through His provided and gifting of Himself, as the blood offered, that each individual may acknowledge within themselves, that to doubt is to truly be double minded. Acknowledging that the double minded man, should not believe that He will receive not one thing from the Lord. Not because our Lord does not Love him/her, (Us ALL) equally, and that His Spirit has no distance, restraining Him from both watching over His 99, while going after the one. By calling us each individually to maintain, even restore our own rightful placement in our own relationship to Him.”
“This Christmas day, has once again came and gone; many have acknowledged one’s which were with them last year are no longer with them this year. The sorrow of this brings even greater AND MORE THOUGHTS concerning our own lives, and just how many more Christmas’ we ourselves might have here with our loved ones.”
“The greatest gift ever truly is in our own acknowledging, that we ourselves need God in our lives, that without Him, there truly is no hope, with Him, Hope is restored, because in our very own self set desires, there remains wonderment if God is, and if He truly rewards those who diligently seek first after Him and His Kingdom, Him Righteousness.”
“Our thoughts remain with us, even when the morning comes, and the new day rises, the greatest assurance we each could ever have and maintain, is that God is for us, that He has truly never been against us, never, “Not in One thing!” “Period….””
“This does require work on our own part, in and through our thoughts and what we ourselves decide and allow to be in our own next breath, step, life and forevermore.”
“God remains!” “God Remains, in the righteous in Himself, and He remains in the unrighteous who know Him not or at least live their own lives as though He does not, always trying to prove to themselves that God is not, while even forcefully trying to force others to believe He is Not. Still, God is, always has been, and shall always remain, right in us all.” “Period….”
“We give the gifts of man, of toys and even of worldly joys, to our loved ones, our family and our friends, even to those we sit by so many times within the temple built by the hands of man; yet so many are for whatsoever reason they give to themselves alone, not simply just willing to give themselves the abilities of just picking up God’s Gifts for themselves first, in order that they can give the biggest and greatest and no cost to them whatsoever, the gift of God’s Love, of hope, and of peace; even in a dying and fading away world in which we all acknowledge all around us.”
“So, this night of Christmas, shall we each, bow our heads and simply say a little prayer, a little prayer of true Remembrance, of without God in all things accepted, “truly even why?””
“If God be not, every work, ever process, ever effort, everything is truly but nothing at all, because once we each leave this life, what truly was it all for?”
“Because on this day, rather it be today or just simply just another day, “To us all, a Child was given, A Child Named Jesus, by God, who took His very own Word, and making it flesh, naming Him Jesus, who truly was sent into this world to die, that we each may have life, even life more abundantly!”
“This is our Hope, This is our Faith, This is our Savior, this day a Savior of all mankind was born, tomorrow is not for sure, yet today this very night, this very moment, we each have our own thoughts, and if we each will be still, in our thoughts we each shall hear The Father calling our name through His Son, His Spirit, which is within all things, include our very own selves.”
“Therefore, let us each believe, and let us each arise, restoring first for ourselves, God’s Spirit, in order that we ourselves, might freely offer and give to another, what we ourselves have freely been given.”
“GOD IS LOVE!” “Period….”