We were young, and we were soldiers
Chris Feola
Author, Perfecting Equilibrium: For a brief, shining moment Web1 democratized data. Then Web2 came along and made George Orwell look like an optimist. Now Web3 is Perfecting John Nash’s Information Equilibrium.
Foto.Feola.Friday for August 25, 2023
A toot, a toot, a toot diddelyada toot
He blows it eight to the bar, in boogie rhythm
He can't blow a note unless the bass and guitar is playin' with him
He makes the company jump when he plays reveille
I’m finishing up Sunday’s piece on my trips to the Mojave Desert with the 24th Infantry Division, and waxing a bit nostalgic. So here are some photos of the 24th ID (Mech) at home at Ft. Stewart, Georgia, deep in the Okefenokee Swamp.
This is pugil stick training for close combat with bayonets, and Tucker was just massacring his trainees. I kept trying to get a shot that captured his speed and intensity, but fast shutter speeds froze everything and slow ones were just a blur. Finally I tilted the camera and got this.
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Sunday August 27th-The Reader:?About that time I accidently ended up in the Army for 4 years 4 months 28 days 11 hours 27 minutes and 35 seconds. Approximately. I’ve been through the desert on a Jeep with no windshield.