"If We were Refugees"?
"Kindness is a language that blind can see and the deaf can hear" Mark Twain
"I don't for moment think?
That's we know first hand
What like being a refugee
A "Refugee"?
Cause we once were
Escaping the tortures
As well massacres?from Iran
In rudderless tiny dinghies
Bobbing to an fro
On the mighty blue seas
Life can be very uncertain
One moment one is?
Leading a comfortable life
Without an cares in the world
Next moment life turns for
The worst
One becomes a Refugee
Living in deplorable conditions
Shunted from sea to sea.
Nobody is Blue Blooded
We are all contaminated?
As well impure?
We are not at all
A superior race
As some proclaim to be?
But hate to burst your bubble?
We are on the "Same Playing Field"
To profess to be a Zoroastrian
?Prove that one is a human in
Thought Words Deeds
"Who are we as Human Beings
If we ignore the suffering of others"?
Are we going sit by & let
Humanity be destroyed
According to Einstein:
"The world will not?be destroyed
By those who do evil by those
Who watch them without
Doing anything "
By pretending all's well
With the world by
Sitting on a rocking chair
By eating drinking and be merry
Doesn't make suffering go away
But: "
Never think that what you
Have to offer is insignificant .
There will always out there that
Needs what you have to give"
So why don't as Zoroastrians
Work together and eradicate
Racism Discrimination Exclusion
As well Bigotry and give
Peace A Chance (John Lennon)
Nothing in this world is more dangerous
Than Sincere Ignorance and Conscientious
Stupidity" (Martin Luther King"
Get My point?
Choicest Blessings