We were featured in the India Today!

We were featured in the India Today!

In the recent times, professional counselling has become very important for students and also working professionals. Professional counselling can improve the performance of students to a great extent, so as to enable them to grow mentally and emotionally with the knowledge and freedom to make informed career choices. Many organisations are now transitioning to online programs which include skill development models and other training which is making our youth work-ready", said Shveta Raina, Founder and CEO, Talerang.

The shift to digital platforms for training and counselling has given us very positive results. Talerang is a high-quality work-readiness platform and we always offered both offline and online trainings."
"We always believed in the power of the online medium and our online courses are equally interactive and engaging, however students living in the metros would often prefer in person classes. Now with offline options out of the question due to the pandemic, students are adapting to the online platform more and appreciating it as well." Shveta further added.



