We Are At War

We Are At War

Dr. Jan Wade Gilbert

7818 Chip Shot Way

Wilmington NC 28412

[email protected]

516 – 312-7238

March 20, 2020

  America is at war – as is the world – but our fight is on our land. As sure as if we were being invaded by hostile alien forces from outer space, we are being invaded by hostile forces that were lurking within our midst. While we know COVID-19 can and does kill, we do not yet know how pervasively deadly these invaders are. We know they have weaknesses.

This enemy negates our military. This battle is on the microscopic level. Our armamentaria are the intellectual might, wisdom and creativity of Americans and those American weapons are powerful and the best in the world. They will smartly protect our land, our people and our future by marshalling and coordinating. We will show our strength – the same strength that brought America to its prominence – and will rely on our fortitude, resolve to not be beaten and undeniable courage to face whatever enemy attacks us.

And when we win – and we will win – we will stand and show that when it is necessary to forge a solid front and fight a victorious fight, America will do just that. No one and nothing in the future will dare come against us because our power and conviction to remain free – and only healthy people can really be free – will be the foundation upon which we will confidently stride into tomorrow.

We will not be conquered. We will continue to weave the fabric that has made America great and will continue to build its solid character, one that is a dynamic freedom that will not allow any enemy to overcome The United States of America.

Rest assured, live and sleep comfortably that your governments at all levels have taken control of this war and will never allow our citizens to succumb. Our country is potent on many levels and the synergy we have engaged is indicative of a nation that will not tolerate interference in our path to a wonderful future.

We are at war but we are not fighting.

We are being superb at backing away and defending instead of standing our ground and fighting with our weaponry. We have marshaled our considerable sources and set them working. We are amassing terrific grades in mounting a defense but our approach should now also focus on offense because no one ever won a fight by blocking an attack.

What is it that attacks and kills the virus? Our immune system is the correct answer.

We know how to develop our immune systems to a higher efficiency and empower them dimensionally. It would certainly be the best offensive thrust we could ever mount on the microscopic battlefields within each of us. The human immune system has been shown repeatedly able to withstand and conquer invaders exactly like COVID-19. We will save us – and there could be no better lesson for humanity.

First, what is it we want to do and second, how will we measure to know that we are succeeding in what we want to do?

What we want to do: Attack the pathogen we call COVID-19, render it harmless and drive it out of our systems as quickly as possible.

So, how do we do that? How do we tap into our immune systems to release the powers already within them, potent weapons with pinpoint accuracy knowing the good guys from the bad; weapons ready to be unleashed on our behalf . . . just waiting for us to call for them? How do we open the doors and let them out from where they wait; waiting for their chemical command to: go gett’em!

How will we know we are succeeding? How will we know we sent the right chemical message?

Success will see our population become less and less susceptible to the viral attack and the virus becomes no more of a problem and danger than anything else that also inhabits the earth alongside us. Our status quo is one of health and vigor; automatically and powerfully fending off would-be pathogens.

The most powerful and extraordinary weapon we know was designed specifically to do things like that. That weapon is our immune system. Since we really know very little about our immune system, I suggest we provide what these systems need, to do what they are already programmed to do: keep us healthy and well.

It’s a nutrition problem.

COVID-19 will wipe us out or will pass leaving us somewhat emotionally battered but more deeply experienced and much wiser. Economics will quickly recover.

Wisdom recognizes that we had great leadership that got us through and steered us to victory over those small things that previously saved us in War of the Worlds. We fought this battle on the microscopic level but supplied the vigor and steadfastness from each citizen.

It’s was relatively easy to forget our differences and focus on the common foe.

As it turned out – and from what was indicated early on – this COVID-19 enemy was much more bark than bite and it was a fear of its potential that stymied us. What we should have done was defend and attack and we only defended.

The best (meaning no harm to us and directed lethality at the virus) attack against COVID-19 is with the weapon designed to do just that. To not immediately use our most powerful weapon, our immune system, to fight these crucial molecular battles is folly. We really have to attack now and the sooner the better.

So, how does one mobilize an immune system since it’s supposed to be on automatic?

The question is not how to mobilize the immune system; because it is always there, ready to fight as long as it can with all of the chemical power it has to wield on these biochemical battlegrounds. The question is how do we make it as powerful as possible; because its power generation and sustaining features are not on automatic.

The answer is brutally honest, astonishing in its pervasiveness and undeniable. There is only one way to energize, maintain and empower our immune system to do what is has always been programmed to do: keep us healthy and well.

This is a nutrition problem. We must give our immune system the tens of thousands of nutrients it needs to allow those biochemical reactions to occur that will render harmless and destroy COVID-19.

I believe in a wonderful future so I must believe that we will conquer COVID-19. I have great trust in a healthy-functioning immune system. Like all biological entities, our immune system is an ever-changing complexity of cells, solutes and solvents, viscosities and, sometimes, the grace of God.

I’m an optimist for good reason. We know that Vitamin C is a potent anti-viral and that it’s been successfully used against the HIV virus. But why stop at Vitamin C? Why not recognize that we all need all of the nutrients in order to function well. The value of our immune system is a function of how well nourished it is because every biochemical reaction requires a certain amount of the biochemical reactants, the proper viscosity and pH in which the biochemistry takes place and the solute contents which includes the dissolved elements and catalysts and co-enzymes that also have to be involved in the reactions.

You know that Americans do not get all of those needed nutrients in the first place so getting them all to the right place at the right time does not happen. Hence, the magic of the immune system is diminished. We do not supply what’s needed when it is needed and we never know when it’s needed so there must be a continuous supply.

We are nutritionally poor. We have plenty to eat but much is not helpful to our immune system and sometimes causes problems to our entire body. A nutritionally poor immune system has weaknesses and incapacities and cannot fight well and is more easily overcome by invaders like viruses and bacteria. If you are stricken sick by a virus, a weakened immune system presents an opportunity for bacteria to also (and simultaneously) cause their own infection and disease.

The answer is to build our citizens’ immune systems so we, as a nation, present a united strong biochemical army and on the individual basis also present a strong force against the pathogen.

 Now that people have been told all kinds of things about the coronavirus, perhaps I can shed some light on the situation and you’ll say: It can’t be that simple.

And I’ll say: For the most part, it is that simple as long as you understand what simple means. It means being able to go from step one to step two and so on, each of the few steps being easy and defensive against COVID-19.

Repeat that again and again and you have the makings of a healthy, cooperative and successful population and if it happens in America, there is no limit as to what we can accomplish with such an America.

And, so, we are faced with a biologic enemy, a seemingly frightening virus we’ve named COVID-19. Even the name sounds evil.

We can use some solid, longstanding science as weaponry against it. Remember, no doctor ever healed or cured anyone – ever! What can be done is prepare and aid the body’s biochemical defenses to defeat the disease. But make no mistake, it is the body’s biochemistry that does the healing.

Our ready, immediate and abundant arsenal against COVID-19:

  1. Vitamin C is a known anti-viral. It has been used successfully in the treatment of AIDS and other viral infections. Vitamin C is known to concentrate in certain white blood cells and in the adrenal glands (one of the primary glands of the body – but which one isn’t). Read about Vitamin C by Albert Szent-Gy?rgyi de Nagyrápolt (who won the Nobel Prize).

In this case, the adrenal glands are exceptionally important because one of the effects of stress (see Stress and Dr. Hans Selye) is a depletion of the power of the adrenal glands and so a depletion in one’s state of wellness and ability to defend.

 Dr. Louis Pasteur said: The pathogen is nothing. The terrain is everything.

Some people have stronger immune systems than do other people and the strengths can differ noticeably. It is the reason the degree of sickness varies so much. We can each easily control the strength of our immune system.

A large part of our body defenses rely on the Vitamin C complex to mount an organ/tissue/cellular defense against a virus.

We all need differing amounts of Vitamin C and tens of thousands of other nutrients that comprise our daily needs to keep our defenses strong. To get there:

  • Provide a sufficient level of healthy fluids to keep the internal body at the proper viscosities so healthy, designed biochemical activity can occur.
  • Provide sufficient calories to power all of the life systems of the body.
  • Provide sufficient quantities of the tens of thousands of nutrients our body needs to function well every day.
  • Rest

We are now being told to make sure we wash our hands. We’ve been telling patients that for decades and explaining that when one comes in from the outside, it is an American hygienic feature that we wash our hands and face - - - and, then we say: also brush your teeth (see Secrets of Toothbrushing).

It is unfortunate that we will lose some to the enemy but their lives can be remembered by never again letting this kind of war catch us unprepared. This was our Pearl Harbor at the microscopic level but I am sure America will rise to the occasion and soundly defeat COVID-19 as we reigned victorious in WWII.

There is no doubt that the fear that swept across our country was bolstered by the media whose desire seemed to be to gain political power at the expense of our current Presidential administration, a tactic that not only failed but put our country at a great disadvantage and unnecessary peril. They should be held accountable and be seen as the enemy as well.

The Draconian measures America took and by which Americans abided were definitely helpful in limiting the devastation that could have been - - - but maybe not. However, our most powerful weapon, our immune system, was not bolstered as it could have and should have been.

In The War of the Worlds, earthlings were saved by Earth’s microbes. Here, we were attacked by those microbes but we went into action immediately to combat an enemy about which we knew little. If, when we first realized that this was a microscopic and biological battlefield, we not only defended ourselves but mounted an attack by empowering and strengthening our immune systems (as can be done only with a nutritional approach) we would have likely fared much better. As of this moment, little has been said about such a tactic but the search for drugs continues. All drugs have downsides but nutritionals are 100% compatible and Vitamin C is a known anti-viral. Those nutritional strengthening techniques should be set as a new protocol.

Want to fight a war? Expect casualties.

Want to hide and cower? Expect annihilation.


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