Engr. Ammar K.
Engineer| Semiconductors Professional| BD Consultant| Sales & Marketing
Currently China and some other countries are under attack by a deadly virus named as #COVID-19. I am not going to discuss the chemistry and causes of spreading to this virus, I will just discuss that how you can save yourself from this deadly virus and limit the chances of infection.
How a virus transfer:
There are several ways for transfer of a virus from one human to other human. This includes direct contact, indirect contact, feces, sneezing and inhaling in infected air. Still scientists are trying to figure out that this virus is airborne or not. There is not enough evidence that this virus can travel along the air from one place to another place. Proven ways of transfer of this virus are:
- Direct contact: If you directly touch an infected person.
- Indirect contact: if a patient touch anything and transfer the virus and after few moments you also touch the same thing then virus can be transferred in you.
- Sneezing & Coughing: when a patient sneeze or cough in the air without covering mouth then small droplets containing virus spread in the air and if you passed through these droplets without wearing any mask these droplets will transfer virus into you.
- Feces: Virus can be transferred through feces.
How to avoid from Virus:
Still there is no vaccine for this virus and only method to avoid this virus is prevention. Here I will discuss some common methods to avoid this virus.
- Use a good quality mask every time you go outside
- Use disinfectant on your hands, outer clothes, floor, door knobs, mobiles, shoes and washroom. If disinfectant is not available in market then you can prepare you own at home using alcohol, vinegar, lemon and some essential oil.
- Use medical gloves or other gloves while going outside.
- Do not touch directly any public object like lift buttons, hand railings, door knobs etc. use tissue to touch them or use your elbow.
- Never ever touch your nose, mouth or eyes with your hands while you are outside. Because if you got virus on your hands and you touch your nose, mouth or eyes then this virus will transfer into you. You cannot be infected by virus until this virus reaches to your body openings.
- Till now the biggest prevention from virus is washing your hands regularly. When you return from outside wash your hands immediately, at least for 20 seconds, before touching anything else.
- Avoid using public toilets because virus can be transferred through feces.
- Avoid sitting on public bunches. Avoid using taxi and if it’s necessary to use then sit on back seat.
- Maintain a distance of at least 3 feet from other persons. Change your direction If you saw someone sneezing or coughing and do not exactly follow his course of path.
- Avoid crowded public places, parties, gathering and other similar events.