Are we treating the symptoms or the main disease? 

First Part

Are we treating the symptoms or the main disease? First Part








Are we treating the symptoms or the main disease?

First Part


Few years ago, I was participating at very complex project to solve lots of complicated and sophisticated obstacles and problems in a massive project consist of huge infrastructure, productions and installation. When I joined the first meeting, I remember the faces of all the executives who were depressed and extremely worried about the time frame of the project plus the incompatibility of some products with the site conditions and other economic, funding and strategic obstacles and risks.


I start to listen to all the stake-holders with great focus and analysing deeply of each personality, each word, slide, paper they say, present or clarify.

?And when they finish, they were looking to me as, I am the hero who would solve all of these problems.

?I remember my first sentence, which make them very astonished. What you have done is treating the symptoms not the real disease.


And then, I smiled among the staring eyes with the big question marks on their faces and eyes, and I said, you are all with the full respect to your efforts, using the linear thinking not the advanced system thinking. If a doctor diagnoses the sneezing or the runny nose as ONLY, a symptom of the flue and he described the medicine based on that, this is an example of the linear thinking.

Maybe the patience, has no flue, or has a flue and other infections or pass through special condition(s)


While, if the doctor analysed the real cause of the runny nose and the sneeze and found wither, the bacterial, allergies, viral infections, nasal irritant and any other reasons such as drugs withdrawals, this would lead to the right descriptions, and this is the sort of the advanced system thinking.

Not every patient, with a runny nose or sneezing, has a flue.


And, after that, all the attendees attracted to my speech. And they asked me and how we can know the difference between both types of thinking, how we can implement them and when we use each of them.


I smiled and I told them, it is a big story, there are several types of thinking, but I will explain briefly the mistakes you have done using the linear thinking which make the situation worse and more sophisticated. ?The linear thinking is used to analyse the simple problems (one cause and one effect).

If the weather is very cold and rainy, I will wear a heavy jacket, coat and I will carry umbrella. (Simple problem and the solution are straight forward).


But running such a massive project with such branched and complex stakeholders, will never be planned as a simple project. The sophisticated problem which has been generated and would still being generated, is because your flat strategy and flat plan.

This project needs system thinking (very advanced level) of issuing strategies, plans and risks scenarios and their corresponding solutions.

It is like a complex puzzle of thousands or tens of thousands of pieces, you have to own the wide beam insight, deep vision, clarity in vision, experience, and great connected team with the external stake holders with well-defines values, goals and return on investment of this project. The processes shall be clear (IN-Out and the error feedback shall be treated in the time frame to mitigate the risk and either convert them to opportunity or decline the risk till it reaches to zero value. This is the advanced system thinking).


The executives start to smile and their mode start to glow up gradually.


Then, I told them, one day off, take your teams to the zoo, play with animals, feed them and mediate in the nature landscape and then we will meet to solve the problem with……


The whole stake-holders answered in the same time (with advanced system thinking criteria) and they laughed loudly.

I laughed with them, because their soul start to glow up.


This is the first chocolate I give to my readers, as I used to distribute biscuits, chocolates and cakes as my birthday was at 21.02.2023.


So, happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to Eman Bassiouny Rohayem.


And, by the way, who is Eman Bassiouny Rohayem.


Eman is a human being, loves the creator of this universe, loves this universe, with all the creatures, the human beings, animals, plants, inanimate, stars, skies, planets, earth, seas, rivers, deserts and all other known and unknows creatures, shown and hidden.


Eman knows that principles and values, shall be implemented honestly with one standard and this would generate the God blessing, otherwise, using the words of principle and values without the real practice would generate the creator anger, and consequently, the anger of the universe and the nature. #Don’t_trade_by_the_principles_values_For_personal_purposes


This simply, is me, Eman Bassiouny Rohayem:

-????????Who has born in UAE among lots of international and multi-cultures, educated and loved the open-minded culture

-????????Educated, worked in Egypt and full in love with the ancient Egyptian civilization, which she carries its genes strongly.

-???????Worked in Germany and Europe and achieved her childhood dream to relocate to Germany and work and see lots of industrial achievements in prestigious factories in Germany and Europe. As she used to value the the high quality of the industry specifically in Germany.

-???????She worked with several nationalities with appreciation and love to all humans with the same degree, regardless their genders, colours, religions, believes and nations

-???????She loves the nature, universe and speak to the river. Lakes, animals, trees and see the great interactions between the soul, heart, brain and the universe.

-???????Her soul flies every-where, her brain thinks systematically with high advanced degree and her heart loves and not hates, therefore, she listens well to the universe and the nature sound.

-???????Her non-biased, inner-peace, ethics and values makes her capable to dive and dive to see the big picture with high clarity, think in the right direction and solve the complex problems at the assignments/projects she handles them.

-???????She loves to insight and glow up her customers and also the global because she loves all the creatures of this universe.


I have indicated in my last article about the nature and universe sound and how the nature can tell its honest creatures its sound, like animals, children or the inner-peace-d souls of the creatures.

And, I felt strongly the anger of the universe and the nature and when the earth quake happens in Turkey and Syria, I felt so upset, painful and I still feel that there are coming more of the anger of the nature and the universe. Why?


Simply, because the universe still not inconsistent with the output of the equations carried out since years and the output becomes odder regarding the #universe_laws.

And these laws would be discussed later to not branched to another Theme (my second chocolate).

And I want to show my sincere sympathy and my Condolences to all who died and still lost because of the earth quake in Syria and Tukey.


I respect the noble Egyptians, Americans, Germans, Austrians, Spanish, Italians, Finnish, Danish and All other Europeans, ?Emirati, Saudi, Kuwaiti, Omani, Argentine, Palestinians, Australians, Canadians, Chinese, Indians, Pakistani and all other so several nationalities I worked with, I hope that all readers, read my articles with full of open minded and soul. I really seek the peace, health and prosperity to all nations with the same degree.

?Now, to answer the most important question?

And, I hope all my readers to know that I am writing with full love to all nations, West, east, south and north with the same degree and full non-biasing. And committing with the full of ethics, principles and values.

Are we treating the symptoms or the main disease?

?If someone asks some persons, what is the happening nowadays in the world? And Person A answered, the invasion of Russia to Ukraine, as Russia regime is a criminal and corrupted. And the solution is providing Ukraine with all the support, we could to overcome Russia, as we are supporting principle and values. And we will reach to the victory sooner or later, whatever, it cost the world and all nations. Most importantly is the principle and values.

?And, I have commented, surely, the world shall support Ukraine and all the oppressed nations.

But, I wonder, is what you mentioned, is the only events happen in the world.

?He answered me, “I don’t care about other events”.

This called Linear thinking, biased and one standard. (As seen in below Figure)

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Figure 1: Linear thinking process of answering Person A on the question (What is happening in the world today?)


Person B, answered the question in another matter.

He briefs the answer in below lines.

The world is passing with severe superior bad economic situations due to the accumulated political, and economic problems and the mitigation of many of these problems has error-feedback which remains and start to expand month after month, year after year till it is exploded.

Beside, the natural disasters (for scientific reasons and hidden or philosophical reason) and the military movements in different locations. Beside the climate change and its consequences on the world.

And, I believe that this randomness of solving the catastrophic problems will need the smart non-biased strategists to add plans (short and long term) to solve these catastrophic problems. Worldwide and the error-feedback loop shall be treated and followed-up to assure, not repeating the catastrophic political/economic/health/environment and even some industry disasters.

?I have made a roughly estimate of the average global inflation rate difference percentage and it seems scary. (As seen in below chart)

I just need to take a break, and I will continue the discussion with you. ?

?Person B, was looking to the physical map of the world and he started to explain in details more.

This person used a system thinking to analyse the whole situation.

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Chart 1: The average global inflation rate as a percentage % (comparing of the two consecutive years)

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Figure 2: Physical map of the world


In the second and third part of the article, we will see what person B (system thinker) illustrated, and who is Person C (?) and what he would explain and who is person D (?) and what he would advise and what is the (short- and long-term plan/strategy) to be on the right track!


Hint: All the persons, A, B, C and D are just to illustrate the different types of the thinking models. It is my own script and scenario.


Please be tuned, and the more is coming at next week.

My advice to all parties: Have a nice weekend and calm down all media and announcements.

And trust all, the I am thinking of all nations with love and respect. I want the peace, justice and prosperity to the world wide, through advanced system thinking, non-biased, and one standard to all with the same degree, (no master and no slaves and no superior nation over the others), as we are all humans with the same degree. I am seeking the real implementation of the principles and values and I am totally against trading with these glowing words for achieving controlling purposes to any party/nation/country over others’ nations.


What I seek from the international society, is the respect, protection and the appreciation for the advanced system thinkers and the strategists.

I have subjected in the last 2 years to abuse, hacking, spying, breaking my privacy, monitoring me physically and electronically, stealing many of my strategies of my dream projects to establish my own brand and I was working on that, beside my main work. I used to work 16-20 hours per day and sometimes, I don’t sleep and several of my efforts among two years have been stolen. I don’t want to tell more and I will not go in any further detailed. Because, I know in advance the heaven justice.


This affects harmfully on my health, and my whole life (financially, healthy and socially).

And, I really hope that any one oppressed other human-being, to ask God to forgive him and if he is not believer, to ask the forgiveness form the universe. I know very well, how much the heaven, universe and nature revenge are. And, it would be very tough revenge, to any one, oppressed the innocent people. I passed through lots of obstacles in my life, and I see by my eyes, the heaven justice, achieved to all who oppressed me and who oppressed any pure souls.


Among my trip to enlighten the world, and deliver brilliant work. You are more than welcome and appreciated to fund me as, advanced system thinker, as this cost me huge amount of time, energy and lots of money. And, also to compensate the huge loss, as a result to, what I have experienced in the last 2 years, as summarized earlier.


Who is interested in funding me, they are welcomed to inbox me and I would provide them with the financial account to make the funding.


And, this is Eman Bassiouny Rohayem. And, I am still breathing, feeling, thinking systematically and in advance level and loving all human-beings.


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Eman, me :)

?Best Regards,

Eman Bassiouny Rohayem

Hans-Henning Judek

Sustainable Renewable Energy Solutions for the World

1 年

Interesting article! Your initial example is very true - we humans have the tendency for tunnel vision. Science is the best example. Zillions of researchers are working on finding a solution for their very specific problem and are not looking into the "drawer" next to theirs which may already contain the solution. We have to think much more holistically and more in tune with Mother Nature. She has tested her solutions for millions of years. One example - CO2 is neither bad nor good, it's just a gas. Most of today's efforts are concentrated on technical solutions that are more or less viable to reduce CO2 emissions. Under a holistic view, it is no problem at all. For example, if we prevent crop residue field burning and convert the biomass into fuel, we can already replace three-quarters of the fossil fuels with renewable solutions. We then have only to take care that the exhaust from vehicles and industrial processes is cleaned up. The technology is already there like AdBlue and particulate filters for diesel engines. Preventing a problem in one area can resolve another one and as a side effect even a third one. The poor farmers lighting the matches today will have another revenue stream and we can improve their livelihood.

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