We Train People How to Treat Us.
Founder, Managing Director at Change Innovators Limited. We provide the most progressive leadership development and culture transformation opportunities for clients in Britain, Europe and North America and Australia
As leaders we are being observed all of the time. Our contributors are more impacted by our behavior and actions then we often realize. Being extremely aware of our leadership style and the way in which we impact others is so important in today’s corporate environment.
Are you unintentionally training your team to treat you a certain way? Are there behaviours you don’t like and are not sure why they are demonstrated? It is time for all of us to consider what we are demonstrating on a daily basis and whether we are unintentionally encouraging behaviors simply by the way we interact with our team members.
Ask yourself regularly, “What is my impact on others? What do people think, say and most important feel when I leave a meeting? The work of New Energy Leaders is always unfolding. Have the courage to do the hard work.
#leadyourselfandtherestwillfollow, #newworldleadership, #Lifechangingleadership