We took the best AI policies to the Hill
Federation of American Scientists
Striving for a Safer World since 1945
Emerging technologies like AI that hold extraordinary potential to accelerate progress. Yet we also know that these technologies carry significant risks if the policies that govern them aren’t thoroughly and thoughtfully developed.
Given the current momentum on AI, we were inspired to launch the AI Legislation Sprint with a mission to crowdsource, develop, and publish a set of creative AI-focused ideas that could be taken up by Congress.
We are proud to publish a final slate of 15 policy memos authored by experts in artificial intelligence from academia, industry, civil society, and government. These memos are actionable and comprehensive.
Last week, we brought four of our favorite memo authors to Capitol Hill to talk to policymakers about why and how we can implement responsible, evidence-based AI policy.
From left to right:
Zarek Drozda from Data Science 4 Everyone , author of A National Training Program For AI-Ready Students
Joe O'Brien from Institute for AI Policy and Strategy (IAPS) , co-author of An Early Warning System For AI-Powered Threats To National Security And Public Safety
Daniel W. , author of Establish Data-Sharing Standards For The Development Of AI Models In Healthcare
and Sayash Kapoor from Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy , co-author of A Safe Harbor For AI Researchers: Promoting Safety And Trustworthiness Through Good-Faith Research
If you are a policymaker or policy enthusiast, we encourage you to engage with the proposals, ask questions, and consider how they might be implemented or further developed.