Are we too solutions-oriented?
This annoying thing...

Are we too solutions-oriented?

Has this ever happened to you: You were talking to someone about a problem you're experiencing. Then, before you have a chance to finish, they chime in with: "You know what you need to do?" or: "Oh I have just the answer for you."

Or for those in more corporate settings, the expert that comes through the door to spruik a particular solution or methodology without really understanding whether it's relevant for you.?

Whenever this happens to me, it always leaves me with a slightly bitter aftertaste. That the person who was talking to me wasn't as interested in understanding what my problem was; they were more interested in presenting me with a solution.

Now I'm not attributing bad faith here - I do believe that most people are genuinely just trying to help - but I also wonder whether we're living too much in an era of solutions. A world in which the emphasis is more on having the answer, rather than taking time to understand the problem.

The solutions trap

There's a few reasons why I think this is an issue.

At an individual level, whenever we reach for solutions without understanding the problem, we're often unconsciously reaching for a quick fix that we think addresses our problem at a surface level.

As a simple example, let's look at anyone who ever signed up to a gym membership only to stop a month later. The simple (and perhaps most common) thought process here is:

Problem: I want to get fit / lose weight. How do I do that?

Simple solution: Get a gym membership.

For the vast majority of people, this doesn't work, as evidenced by the high rates of abandoned new year resolutions. Now, at this point, if you're thinking to yourself: "Oh - that's because most people don't know how to form good habits" or some variation of that, then you have also just gone into solutions mode.

My point is that the problem of getting fit or losing weight can be quite different for everyone. Sure, the issue could be an inability to form habits. But just as equally the problem could be a stressful lifestyle that causes overeating; it could be that the gym is not a stimulating enough environment for many people; or it could be the quality and quantity of food consumed during lockdown.

These are all legitimate problems that result in unhealthy lifestyles, but the solutions to these problems are unlikely to be related to getting a gym membership.

Img src: Freepiks

As someone who is also intimately familiar with the corporate / business world, I see a great deal of solutions-focused thinking too. Startup founders who push a solution without understanding what problems they solve. Leaders who commit to strategies without understanding what outcomes they desire. Or any number of experts and consultants who push technology solutions and methodologies without considering its fit for purpose.

?These are all hats I've worn throughout my career, so let me share one personal example: In the early stages of growing my business, I hired a Facebook marketing agency to help me with sales. At the time, I thought that I needed to be on Facebook because well... doesn't everyone use Facebook? I read up on all the Facebook marketing strategies, learned about growth hacking, spent hours creating content strategies, none of which really worked and ultimately I wasted a lot of time and money.

It wasn't until much later that I stopped to think: "Wait, is Facebook even right for me?" It was at this point that I realised that I fell into the solutions trap.

The bigger issue at play

I believe we're now living in an increasingly complex and distracted world in which we are bombarded with micro and macro decisions on a daily basis. We're also living in a highly technological environment that can provide us with easy to access solutions. In 3 simple steps. And shows up on Page 1 of our Google search.

These two factors combined contribute to what I believe is a deeper, underlying issue: That we are less encouraged to genuinely slow down, reflect, and think deeply on understanding what the problems really are.

Because we don't take the time to understand the problem, we equally don't know whether the solutions we've found are truly appropriate or merely expedient.

If we look at the classic leadership axiom of: "Don't come to me with problems, bring me solutions", within that statement lies is a sneaky little assumption: The person bringing forth the solutions has a sufficiently deep understanding of the problem.

For fans of Carol Dweck's 'Mindset', I also propose that focusing too heavily on solutions actually nudges us towards having a Fixed Mindset. Once we have the solution to a problem, then well... that's kinda it. We have the answer. We're done.

We sometimes see this manifest in people who become fixated on a single solution, and are unwilling to explore alternatives. Or in the business world, seeing organisations, leaders, and experts who have stagnated; they have stopped innovating and creating because they've become fixated on the solutions that they know.

All of these people have succumbed to being in a Fixed Mindset, but another way of putting this is that they've focused too heavily on the solution. Instead, to move back into a Growth Mindset, it would require us to hold a solution lightly, asking: "Is this the right solution? Does it actually address the problem? Will the problem change over time? How effective will my solution continue to be?"

Img Src: Freepiks

Shining a torch on ourselves, living in 'solutions mindset' means that we might also be unconsciously giving other people solutions without considering their problems.

Now it's certainly important to help other people, and it definitely feels good when we can help people out in meaningful ways. But without first understanding the problem, without practicing active listening and active empathy, we really aren't helping people solve their problems, we're simply pushing solutions that have worked for us.

We need to be more curious about problems

At this point, you might think that I've got a vendetta against solutions, but that's not my point. Yes, we absolutely need solutions however my argument is that we need to hold solutions lightly, and that we need a greater willingness to focus on problems.

We need to take time to be curious about understanding what the problems really are so that we can find the right solutions that are relevant, fit for purpose, and creates the outcome that we want to create.

And what's more, simply by being curious, it can help us move into the Growth Mindset. It encourages us to be agile and adaptable, to be creative and innovative, and means we don't fall into a solutions trap.

So how can you be curious about problems? I don't have an answer, but I do have a few questions:

Questions about you:

  • What is the problem that I'm experiencing?
  • Why is it a problem?
  • What's the size and scope of the problem?
  • Is there any evidence that supports that this is a problem? Or can I verify this problem with someone else?
  • What have I tried in the past that's worked or hasn't worked? And do I know why?
  • What does it look like when the problem's gone? What's the outcome?

Questions about others:

  • Do other people / businesses experience similar problems? Do I share any similarities with them?
  • What solutions have they tried?
  • Do I share the same environment / situation / capacity / resources that they do?
  • How do I know if their solutions will work for me?
  • What can I test? What can I try?

If you appreciated this article, you should check out how I put this approach into practice in my quest to understand what it means to be 'purpose-driven'.

Mark Salamy

Client Director at Veremark | Co-founder at

4 年

Interesting article Scott. In my experience, corporate culture often breeds premature "I know what to do" mentalities from people, as everyone is always vying to have their voice hear. You want to speak up before someone steals your idea. Two way communication, listening and also asking further questions, often leads you far more fulsome solutions to problems we didn't know existed in the first place.


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