We think you'll find this interesting
There's been a lot going on over the summer. So much in fact, that it can be hard to keep up. So, we've handled that for you.?
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Get to the Point - Leeds Digital Festival
We're bringing back Get to the Point for its second year at Leeds Digital Festival.
Get to the Point is a night of PowerPoint presentations, where the speaker can talk on any topic they like, for 5 minutes. However, we introduce three specific rules, or restrictions, which make for a fun, fast paced and engaging format.
The event is on September 26th at Glean’s office space in Leeds Dock.
When it's not broke don't fix it
There's a reason all the great brands don't tinker with their logos. And NO ONE should have fiddled with I??NY.
Not only was this work not needed, meaning they could have saved around $20,000,000, but it looks really cheap and at $20,000,000 it's really not.
Brands should be nurtured and cared for. Whoever signed this off didn't understand that.?
The Marketing Optimist will NOT be using AI to create content. Not even to start it and then edit it to make it better.
The main reason is that we employ great writers and creatives to do that. Humans speak to, and buy from, humans.
Not AI, which is using other people's words, copyright and creativity.
AI has its uses. Namely, tasks that require a great investment of time for humans, and tasks where the human element provides little benefit, over AI.
We'll use AI for this aspect of marketing, we'd be mad not to. But strategy, creativity, thought and insight, will always be human.
AI is all shiny now, but can it create great art without seeing it first? Does it do original thought? If we pass this all over to AI, then what's the point of what we, as a civilisation, do?
It really is that important.
How do you get people to use the bin more often?
Getting people to throw litter away has been a problem for a very long time, back to the time of the Wombles in fact. Coming up with a new solution, one that really makes a difference, is tricky. For our money, by using a little psychology, Manchester have really cracked it.
Is Threads a Twitter/X killer?
In basic terms, Threads is a Twitter/X copy. Built for short-form text-based content, with the option to add images, links, and tag other accounts, Threads is everything you know and love about classic Twitter.
In fact, it might just be better – Clean, simple, and currently add-free (due to the app’s infancy), if you love Twitter, fondly remember its glory days, or if you’re a sucker for Instagram and its ultra-usable interface, we think you’ll enjoy Threads.
Can we help you?
If you'd?like?help with your marketing, give us a call on 0113 477 1210, or visit our website marketingoptimist.co.uk
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