We started a book club! Want to join us?

We started a book club! Want to join us?

Article originally published on the Minerva PLM Blog

During the pandemic, there have been a dramatic increase in virtual book clubs. That inspired the team behind Minerva PLM TV to start our very own book club. And while many virtual book clubs all over the Internet have shut down again, our book club continues on.

We have finished January’s read, John Starks PLM novel Products2019, a significantly different read than your traditional textbook style books on the subject of PLM, engineering and digital transformation processes. In a few weeks, we will post our review video of the book as well as the discussion with author John Stark. (Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive a notification once the video is live)

Now, over the next couple of months, we are changing direction to go back to textbook-style titles. If you want to join our book club, you are more than welcome. Just send me an email at [email protected].

The 3 books to take us through the Spring

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Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): A Digital Journey Using Industrial Internet of Things (IIot) by Uthayan Elangovan provides a summary of the essential topics of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in the era of Industry 4.0. The book discusses emerging technologies, their contribution towards enhancing product design, development, and manufacturing.

It also presents the integration of PLM, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Manufacturing Execution System (MES) along with IIoT as well as the integration of mechanical, electronic components, embedded systems, firmware, and software focusing on smart design, development, and manufacturing in the digital transformation journey. The book provides a high-level overview of how smart product development through smart manufacturing materializes within the smart ecosystem. Manufacturing professionals, designers, mechanical, electrical, electronics, instrumentation and industrial engineers, information, and communication technology consultants, and those working in production planning, process control, and operations will find this book valuable.

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Book by Edward W. Merrow. Avoid common pitfalls in large-scale projects using these smart strategies Over half of large-scale engineering and construction projects—off-shore oil platforms, chemical plants, metals processing, dams, and similar projects—have miserably poor results. These include billions of dollars in overruns, long delays in design and construction, and poor operability once finally completed.

Industrial Megaprojects gives you a clear, nontechnical understanding of why these major projects get into trouble, and how your company can prevent hazardous and costly errors when undertaking such large technical and management challenges.

The book clearly explains the underlying causes of over-budget, delayed, and unsafe megaprojects while examining effects of poor project management, destructive team behaviors, weak accountability systems, short-term focus, and lack of investment in technical expertise.

The author is the CEO of the leading consulting firm for evaluating billion-dollar projects. Companies worldwide are rethinking their large-scale projects. Industrial Megaprojects is your essential guide for this rethink, offering the tools and principles that are the true foundation of safe, cost-effective, successful megaprojects.

Be sure to check out this episode of Minerva PLM TV with Bj?rn Fidjeland, where he uncovers how the European Spallation Source structures their data in their construction megaproject.

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By author Jon-Arild Johannesen. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a global development that shows no signs of slowing down. In his book, The Workplace of the Future: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Precariat and the Death of Hierarchies, Jon-Arild Johannessen sets a chilling vision of how robots and artificial intelligence will completely disrupt and transform working life. The author contests that once the dust has settled from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, workplaces and professions will be unrecognizable and we will see the rise of a new social class: the precariat.

We will live side by side with the 'working poor' – people who have several jobs but still can’t make ends meet. There will be a small salaried elite consisting of innovation and knowledge workers. Slightly further into the future, there will be a major transformation in professional environments. Johannessen also presents a typology for the precariat, the uncertain work that is created and develops a framework for the working poor, as well as for future innovation and knowledge workers, and sets out a new structure for the social hierarchy.

A fascinating and thought-provoking insight to the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Workplace of the Future will be of interest to professionals and academics alike.

If you find this topic interesting, be sure to check out our white paper on How Medical Device Companies Can Adapt to a Remote Work Reality.

So, there you have it. These three books are on our reading list for the next couple of months. Again, if you are interested in joining our book club, shoot me an email at [email protected] to join or recommend books that should be included in the future.


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