We Spent Weeks Developing it - We're Giving it Away

We Spent Weeks Developing it - We're Giving it Away

Here at RS&A, we try to watch our clients' backs. If something comes up that they need to know about, then we let them know in as simple of terms as possible. Covid-19 hit, people got reams of data on the virus, but not much on how to respond as a business. We stepped into that breach and created content, webinars, spreadsheets, HR advice, and more just for them.

Then we thought about all the businesses that don't have someone watching their back and thought about how we can help them not because we get something out of it, but just because IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

If you'd like these resources, simply click over to my website (https://slaytonins.com/covid-19) for more information and instructions on how to get it.

We're in this together and together we can achieve more than apart.


Robert Slayton, MSEd, CFO Strategist的更多文章

