How do we measure happiness? Is this the reason why we work so hard, each and every day? What is truly the end game? I am listening to Gary V, and he brought to my attention an excellent point. Happiness. We work hard to develop our main businesses, in order to reach all of our clearly defined goals. Once we achieve our financial goals, where we have an independence from that prior day to day; where we don't have to work "as hard". Whatever. Then, we give ourselves "permission" to be happy. What?

Yes. We do this, all the time. They say that, you will only be as happy, "then", as you allow yourself "now"; to be. I have to take a second to process that? Basically in the sense that, once we achieve our financial dreams; then we allow ourselves to enjoy our freedoms; that now we feel that we have earned. Once we achieve those goals, previously set forth, we actually do "what" makes us happy.

It would not seem that way, when you look at it from the outside in. At the drivers seat, the perspective is constantly changing. We are focused on the competition, the markets, trends or anything that threatens the future of our companies. But, we reserve "happiness" towards the end. It is the last thing, that we actually take the time, to consider.

I made a decision over this past weekend for my music career, that will change my life. I had dinner last night with my wife and for the first time; I was able to express it in a few sentences. I had been so emotionally involved, and invested in these proxies, that it was super hard to admit these concepts; to myself. Once I was able to digest what I felt in the micro, and macro levels; everything else fell into place, automatically.

Everything happened organically. I have had moments like this, in my music career. It sort of came and went. Looking back now, I can see with wisdom, how each one of those moments, are actually growth spurts. The music industry is so full of shit. It is a private secret society of mostly untalented critics. Haters on all levels. Devils at best. So let's simplify it. None of them know more about music or talent than me. Two. They do not know a lick, about business; anywhere near me. None of them have started a single business, or a company that has generated anything close to tens of millions of dollars. There is no way that a triangle can fit, in a square peg. So why force myself to reason, with people that are just not up to par with my abilities.

A wise person only knows that they can learn a lot more. All I know is that I know nothing, and that I am learning throughout this process.

Let's get to the meat and potatoes of it. There are several parts. Please bare with me. I will try my best. Words have power, and words have a frequency. So I am very careful with my words, to protect what I use for motivation. Certain sentences have an energy that they emit. So, I am consciously aware of it. I will try my best to give you as many examples as I can, or my brain, and my beautiful mind will allow.

When you start your career, you are under a spell. You dream of the dream of making music, more than what it actually; is. This. Is. A. Business. There are no emotions. There are no feelings.There are no after thoughts. There are no friends. This. Is. War. Business is war. Got it? Good. None of these people, care about my children, or my parents, or my community or my loved ones. They do not care about my culture, nor do they care about my history. These people are in my face, in my life; directly or indirectly to extract, as much money from me as possible.

They are here for the golden rule. The gold. I am the gold. I am the gold mine. And according to them, I am also the gold miner. I am the dynamite. I am the truck. I am the company, and I am all of the personel. I am the purification plant. I am the distribution network. I am the entire process, and the entire exchange. I pay for all of the publicity. I am the marketing. I am also the promotion. I pay for the fancy wardrobe, and I pay for the fancy offices. I also finance the real estate. I built that down town luxury high rise. I bought the land that it sits on. I pay for all of the insurance, health benefits and permits. I pay the taxes, and all of the legal fees.

On top of all of that. I do not own; anything. I do not own one brick, or cement layer in the house that I help build. Fuck. Dat. My nin. Hommie don't play that. I was born in a day. A Sunday in fact. But, not yesterday. Fuck that. And fuck you if you think I am your slave. Where do these people come from? Where the fuck will I build a farm, and a farming operation, feed multiple villages and not own a single tree?


The industry controls so much of the entire process, such as print, television and the web, that they place on top of positions; that are beneficial to them. Meaning. All of the people involved are only there to protect investments/ assets. They are like loan sharks, but also like portfolio brokers. They are put in these positions, to protect the investments of their corporate subsidies.

I have been a hustler my entire life. None of these people would survive a New York minute, in New York City.

It is important to know your value. It is important to own your art. It is important to know your business. Here is a tip. Hire professional lawyers.

All of the oohs and wows, are all fake. The hugs, the kisses and the handshakes, are all synthetic. This is what you call temporary glorification. It will not last. It may last 72 hours. As soon as the next artist pops up. You are yesterdays newspaper. Nobody wants to read today's paper; later in the evening. The music industry is the same. This is the popcorn economy. This is the now. This is the new. This is the trend. This, is where the focus is; today, right now at this moment. So 89% of what my dream is, or my own personal point of view of it; is created by me, in my own mind. 94% Of this false narrative is non existent. It was all in my head. It will always be all in my head; meaning all creative types.

To put myself through that system, is a self inflicted wound. Meaning, I have a choice. I can choose to not, ever, be a part of that system. I decided right then and there; independence. Fuck everything else. Fuck my family. Fuck my friends and fuck you too if you feel that way. I take no prisoners. My own toxic family members made sure that I felt the pain. "If you are not on tv, you are a nobody". What kind of stupid dumb shit is that? As long as my bank account is reproducing; fuck what my own relatives think, or perceive about me. Reality; is. Right? What is the point of all of this fantasy triangulation? And how does it work? I thought you'd never ask.

Because the industry owns all of the venues, and avenues of "attention", they control the masses; by controlling the narrative. Before it was; If you are "talented" you would be famous. Now, it is; if you are famous, "you are talented". And in this world; everything has a price. That is why we skip through Thanksgiving, and fly past Christmas into the New Years. Next up is Valentines day, followed by Spring break.

My family taught me, everything that I will ever need to know about evil. From thoughts, gestures, comments, actions, and malicious intent. If they can play psychological games; they are experts in manipulations. There is nothing any tabloid, multi media, blogger, vlogger can ever say or do to damage my brand. My family has been trying since my first pamper. Trust me. If my family members, and my relatives jumped in a bucket of acid; the acid would jump out and say "it burns".

So what is triangulation exactly? This is when companies pay x amount of millions of dollars to create an illusion that is both audio and visual; in hopes to make it interactive.

So if you are not nominated for a Grammy, or these other prestigious awards; you don't exist in music. At least; ask my family and that is their definition. So even if you are able to become a multi millionare, and develop multi million dollar businesses; they will never "acknowledge" your accomplishments, if you are not part of "that" system. And most artist are too stupid; not to care about that bullshit. I just happen to "not" care about that bullshit. No matter what. Fuck what my failed relatives "think", about my music or my career, or my life. The reality is that our bank accounts; are the "scoreboards". I will laugh all the way to the bank. I hit it, where it counts. I share with you a few more examples.

In my music, and in my visuals, such as a music video I am selling you a state of mind; artistically. This is the genuine signature, of what I felt for those first five minutes. And that is it. That is the signature of my own, brand. I am the franchise. I am the primary investor. I am the talent. I handle the day to day business. Fuck everything else. Every single million comes through me. I pay the taxes on that. Not you Pookie. I may have a Rolls Royce in the music video. I may have a red Ferrari of the year; inside the video. Those are all props. In order to deliver a quality product. In real life. I may have a black Lamborghini Gallardo, 2004; bulletproof. It will never be on any social media. I did not buy this car for you. On a daily basis, I may drive a Toyota Camry, or a Honda Accord; or maybe just a work truck.

What is used to promote and market my music; is not reality. Arnold does not walk around with machine guns. He is not the T800. Does that make sense? In music, as much as it mimics films, and the movie industry; is not. The reality has to boomerang back. The reality has to be worth more than the perception of success. I do not want to sign, to any major record label, in order to be seen as a success. I want to be successful financially in all things that I do. Being accepted by the masses, or recognized has zero sum value to me. I know real money and I have already mastered real success.

It is not what is dictated to you. I may make hundreds of millions of dollars before you ever hear about me. I am perfectly fine with that. In fact, that is my motivation, and my choice. That is my number one goal. My mentality is fuck you, pay me. And not in the literal sense. I am of course speaking in concepts, in order for you to fill in the voids, with your own unique perspective. This is more about you, than me. That is why you are here. I asked you all to come here, because I can relate to you.

You don't stand for any bullshit. You create your own opportunities and make your own way. You don't care about anything that is not real. Fuck what people say. or think. Opinions are like belly buttons. Everyone has them. So what is the difference? I just heard Slim Thug say, that he may just do a Quince Anera to make his fortune expand and grow. I am right there with him. I do weddings, sweet sixteens and Quince Aneras; as well.

My independence comes from me, always making my own way. In the end. It has paid off marvelously. I cannot even think about things, in any other way.

I work for nobody but God. Fuck everything else. I thank God for myself and for my own, unique mentality this Thanksgiving. I could easily be a follower. But, my Momma did'nt raise no fool; fool. I am forever on tour; musically. Anywhere I go, forever and ever; I own a music catalog of over 5,000 songs. My greatest hits, are forever on display when I perform live. I will be playing these songs for the rest of my eternal life. My music lives forever. Each live performance is a special and unique part of my natural life. Each moment is special. No matter how big or small my concert is. 10 people or 100,000 will get the same intensity. Once I realized that, I knew that my dreams; came true.

There is no need to rush. I have been here since my first song and my first album. I made sure to make classic records and albums that would stand the test of time. I look back now, knowing that it was all worth it. I thought about my music tours overseas; stressing myself out. This is not just the next tour for me. It is my permanent tour. This will be one of my nest eggs; forever. I will be able to jump on a live stage, play my greatest hits and generate a new revenue stream; each and every single time. Forever and ever. And I can also host, interact with my guests; and just Dj. I get paid for all of it. I am not just closing cost friendly solutions with manufacturers for my merchandise now. This is forever. My children will one day oversee production; long after I am a force ghost like Qui Gon Jin, Obi Won Kenobi and Master Yoda.

The pressure was lifted immediately. I don't have to rush anything. I want to quickly revisit psychology and the power of words. I have to use neurological linguistic programming; on myself. It is my learning curve. Or my creative expression; in general. So for example; yesterday we used the Ferrari SF90 Stadale XX. Yes it is my motivation, for a particular project etc. But, in reality; in real life I ordered a Corvertte C8 Type R. Not a Z06. Not an Eray; that I equally love. And will own; someday in the near future. As a businessman, I know, the value in buying my wife the Spyder and keeping the coupe for me. Those two cars, are wedding anniversary gifts. They are both priced, what one top of the line Corvette would be.

As an example. The Ferrari has to be well over $1.5 million; for one car. It is more than 10x, that amount. As a business man, and as an entrepreneur; I could not tie that much capital into any one-singular, investment. On the leverage side of things. There is no financial gain for me. short or long term; to attach that much credit potential, into a vehicle. I could make so much more by investing whatever the balance may be. So lets use $1.4 Million dollars as an example. Lets say I did spend $160,000.00 on these two cars. I'd still have $1.24 Million dollars of available cash. I could turn that into $20 million dollars by investing that into my music. And still then, I would not spend $360,000.00 on two top of the line Corvettes. Like a Spyder Eray and a Z06 coupe. Imagine. I would have to generate $290 Million, before I would even consider buying an SF90 Stradale XX.

I much rather buy two Camaro's; base models, over one Corvette. In fact a Toyota Camry and a Honda Accord combo set, would be the best investments. It would be a choice, dependent on what I had going on at the time. A Camaro base model coupe, or a Mustang, plus a convertible would by my 97% decision. Just because, in my true nature at heart; I am an entrepreneur. What my lovely relatives perceive about my decision is water, under a bridge. Non existent and a non factor. The industry may never acknowledge, or recognize me. And that is perfectly fine. I can live with myself, at the end of the day. I love myself enough. I am in full control and ownership of my own future. That to me is of a much greater value. I do not want, or desire a synthetic or temporary approval. That means zero to me.

During Thanksgiving I give thanks for knowing my own reality. Not what the industry says, or thinks about me. I do not care about what my relatives think. At the end of the day; it's all bullshit. When I get to perform live at a private venue, people stop and ask. They say things like, you got it man. Your should be on tv doing this, or that. And my response is simple. I am a true businessman. I am a true entrepreneur. There is just no value to me in that. They will say things like, you drive a Lamborghini? In real life. You made it. The dream came true. You are the best kept secret in the industry. I tell them, I live in the music business. I don't come from there.

This is just another investment in my portfolio.

I just happen to have been blessed by God with talent, and the key to my success is that I taught myself business.


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