Are we situating our reviews in the home, family & community of the victim?
Donna Ohdedar - Review Consulting Ltd
Helping blue light professionals find meaningful work, a better income, more flexible family time & allows them to keep making a difference | Become a professional independent reviewer with SILP School | Team Training
Let’s Commit to Diving Deeper into Lived Experience in our Analysis…
Do you provide analysis for reviews as part of your role? You are a highly valued resource in the world of learning & improvement activity. As such, it’s essential you receive support & development opportunities to enable you to provide insight into lived experience. Without this, how can we create the conditions for the front line to do what they do best??
It’s important work, & a Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review, a Safeguarding Adults Review or a Domestic Homicide Review is a resource intensive exercise. Each of us will have been developed by our own professional backgrounds to consider this, but is there a place we can have a shared understanding of what it means in the review context? All who contribute should be skilled up to the highest level to achieve return on investment.
What Does the Guidance Require?
Let’s take the Home Office* view, for example. One of the purposes of a Domestic Homicide Review is stated in the following terms:
‘the key is situating the review in the home, family & community of the victim
& exploring everything with an open mind’
‘it will also help understand the context & environment in which professionals made decisions & took [or did not take] actions.’
A current issue for reviews is including strong analysis around the relationship between intimate partner violence, suicidality & self harm. The June 2022 study** helps in its examination of these 3 overlapping problems.
I was joined by Estela Capelas Barbosa last week for a workshop in which we discussed this. You can access a copy of the replay here .
Why this workshop went deeper than I had expected?
We delivered what you would expect. How the problems don’t progress in a linear way, the contributing factors, how victim blaming language adds layers. But we went so much further, looking at how we each react when we see a person with marks from self harm. The participants really shaped the event with their contributions.
*Multi Agency Statutory Guidance for the Conduct of?
Domestic Homicide Reviews, 2016
**Intimate Partner Violence, Suicidality & Self Harm, A Probability Sample Survey of the General Population in England, June 2022
Buoyed up by all the energy & positive feedback from this workshop, we are ready to offer the next one in just 7 days from now.
The consultation period has now ended for the ground breaking project under way in Wales to create a single form of review. We have a forum in which you can still improve your understanding & feed in your thoughts. Let’s come together to understand how it will look. We have a chance to receive answers to questions like these :
?? What it means to have one process where one incident could have previously led to more than one type of review – how it works, what the main challenges are.
?? One report format, one action plan format. How will it look? How will each review ‘culture’ be brought on board to accept the changes?
?? how can we join the list of approved reviewers
?? can we select to use it now?
We are offering a brand new workshop in which I & Liane James, Project Lead for Safeguarding and Advocacy relating to Single Unified Safeguarding Reviews in Wales, will discuss the detail & bring you up to speed about how to get involved. It’s on 12 July at 1.00pm & it’s called ‘How to Get Started with the Welsh Single Unified Safeguarding Review’.
What else is coming up at Review Consulting?
Tuesdays In July
Tuesday Takeaway
If you are a reviewer, commissioner, review participant, or quality assurance professional working on Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Domestic Homicide Reviews, or Safeguarding Adults Reviews, join me for Tuesday Takeaway. A bitesize, 20-minute lunchtime discussion, plus sharing of ideas & networking with peers. Join live or watch the replay. Click here for more information.
There are 3 ways to join our live broadcast on Tuesday’s at 1.30pm:
3. Live on our youtube channel. Click here to watch
Speak soon
Donna Ohdedar, Head of SILP
Donna has 16 years public sector experience, including her last role as Head of Law for a leading metropolitan authority. Now a safeguarding adviser & trainer, Donna is involved in serious case reviews in both children’s and adults’ safeguarding, domestic homicide, and is a SILP Reviewer and Mentor. Donna offers ‘SILP School’ her university accredited training course, CPD for reviewers & a free online network for leaders in review practice.
Click here to join. Click here to hear the latest episode of the Safeguarding & Domestic Abuse Sector podcast.
Find me on Twitter: @LtdReview
Find me on Facebook: Review Consulting Ltd