We Shure like this mic array.
We have been installing the Shure Microflex Microphone Array in many boardrooms with great success. As you will notice the clean white mic device is designed to fit right inside a standard 2' X 2' ceiling tile grid for a quick and secure installations.
Spye chooses it knowing that it will bring customer satisfaction as it is a quality product. But we also choose it because it can be installed in a non-traditional manner. For example we can float the mic array across a boardroom table allowing for proper coverage and great reception without a ceiling grid. This is done by using cables secured to Shure's cable lanyards. The hardware used on these installs are sourced from Griplock Systems. These beautiful and adjustable cable support systems are the best in the industry. They allow for cables to be simply adjusted by depressing down on the gripper "pass through button". When you achieve the perfect angle or height you release the button and the gripper will lock itself into place holding your fixture right where you need it most. If you need to adjust your install just release the cable gripper and relocate.
I specify the 15Z-M6R-SL2.3, ZF-15ZZ and 15Z-1420e-394-T2 1/4-20 gripper to make our hanging system as flexible as possible using a thin 1/16" aircraft cable. This is the Griplock ZF-15ZZ cable support that we use to tie to the underside lanyard that is provided by Shure on their microphone array. This is fully adjustable and we usually allow for plenty of extra cable for fine tuning. The cable then will pass through a centering gripper which is the 15Z-M6R-SL2.3. This allows us to pitch the mic into a level position and finally we use some black 80/20 extrusion to tie into the unistrut that supports the over all ceiling cloud. In some cases we are required to tie back into the ceiling deck with an anchor of our own. The black aluminum extrusion will then receive the 15Z-1420e-394-T2 1/4-20 gripper so we can adjust for height and front to back position.
Our Spye Techs do the device configuration and test the microphone placements to confirm all position at the Boardroom table are active and working. We then trim all the aircraft cables up and secure the install for conference use.