No One Listens To Nobody?
Julian Sado -SNLP, CLC, CEIC
Disrupting Limitations: Behavioral Strategies for Breakthrough Performance and Cultural Evolution. Speaker | Author | NLP Practitioner, Behavioral Coach-SNLP, CLC, CEIC @ Pivot 2 Change, LLC
This is more of a question to you. I would love to hear your thoughts!
How is it we find credibility in one persons blog, post, or comments vs. another? If the number of followers dictate your credibility and authority in today’s social media frenzy, then we need to ask ourselves; are the guru’s of the day the person(s) that have mastered the art of getting more clicks/followers or real experts in their field?
Followers and likes are now generated by small bite size information or visual eye candy. studies show that the average attention span is now six seconds. Oh, have I lost you already? Does that mean the ones with the least amount of attention span are dictating who is worth listening too and what’s valuable?
Jim Rohn once said, "We should have the bum on the street teach a seminar on what he did to get him where he was. By hearing his story we would learn more about what not to do vs. what to do."
I ask that you challenge the new norms of what is considered valuable and more importantly usable information. If we don't mix-up the ways we absorb information and find enough humility in our own minds to listen to those who are just starting out, we will become a network of people who like only hearing what seems familiar and there is no growth in that.
What’s your thoughts on how social media and blogs impacts our opinion and truths? Does anyone have anything valuable to say or is everything very similar with different fonts?
Thanks for reading.
Consultant at A.L.Matthews, LLC
8 年Sir, I like to believe that main stream media and blogs are being written with some ideal of truth behind them. sometimes it is a new idea or thought, but many times it is a new rendition of something already stated using different words. Diversity lends to various interpretations of the same message and for this reason the simpler the message and the less interpretation is needed, the further that message seems to go. Take for example slogans, one of the most well known, Nike "Just do it!" People generally perceived the slogan to mean take action. I do not feel it is the person with the most contacts on social media that has the most influence, I feel it is more the person with a message that others can cleary understand and pass on without much interpretation.