We are Seriously Social
Fraser Calderwood MBA MA
Director with OnFife Cultural Trust | MBA | MA SML | NEBOSH | Top 1% Voice on LinkedIn from over 1.1 Billion users | 10,000+ Followers | Leading Positive Change in Scotland
Last week saw the Community Leisure UK campaign "Seriously Social" which aimed to raise awareness of the positive impact of Culture, Libraries, Leisure and Sport on Communities across the UK.
"Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises are a seriously social bunch when it comes to public leisure and culture
They are a key part of the social economy, supporting people above profit for social good and connecting communities – helping people to become healthier, happier and more creative, regardless of age or ability.
They manage all sorts of facilities and services, both big and small, including everything from pools to golf courses, libraries to falls prevention services and walk programmes to pre and post-cancer support."
I found myself representing two great organisations. In my day role as the Olympia Manager I was raising awareness about Leisure and Culture Dundee impact on the Dundee & Tayside areas. I was also wearing my other hat as Director of Fife Cultural Trust (OnFife) who impact on the Fife area. On what had been a challenging week it was fantastic to be able to spend some time focussing on the positives of the industry.
"But how many of you know they’re not private sector businesses or the Local Authority?
In May 2024 we launched the first ever Seriously Social week to celebrate the work of Charitable Trust and Social Enterprises. It was a great success, showcasing the brilliant work of charities across the UK when it comes to delivery of public leisure and culture. But the information about the fantastic work Community Leisure UK members do day in, day out, still remains relevant.
You can find all the information about how our members impact health & wellbeing, the community, inclusion, employment and skills and the environment on this dedicated website (Learn more at https://seriouslysocial.org.uk/). Or visit Community Leisure UK to find out more about Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises."
The range of work that is going on across the Uk in Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises is beyond what most members of the public would know. These venues provide warm, safe places. They provide opportunities for people to learn, to explore sporting experiences and enjoy the creative arts. Here are some aspects that show the true value of these organisations...
"Seriously Social About...Health and Wellbeing
We all know that good health and wellbeing are fundamental to the quality of our lives and increase life expectancy.
Tackling health inequalities, reducing the financial burden on the NHS through preventative and rehabilitation services, improving whole community health and taking a person-centred approach to health is the core of what Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises delivering public leisure and culture do.
Collectively Community Leisure UK’s 100+ members contribution to Health and Wellbeing has a huge Social Value and saving to the state and the health service. Find out how our members help save the state £893 MILLION a year.
They are also committed to working with NHS and healthcare providers to improve referral routes and outcomes. "
"Every day our members deliver programmes that support people with cardiovascular disease, cancer, weight issues, type two diabetes, older people at risk of falling, mental health and muscular skeletal pain, to name just a few.
Infact, more than 50% of Community Leisure UK members offer cardiac rehabilitation, dementia friendly activities, health walks, weight management, social prescribing, cancer rehab programmes and adult mental health as standard.
But numbers don’t tell the whole story. Our members develop unique programmes to meet community health needs. Here’s just some examples."
"Seriously Social About...The Community
A community-centred approach to health and wellbeing starts at the very top in Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises with the Board of Trustees comprised of local people and politicians. Involving and empowering communities is at the front of our members’ thinking.
And that’s just the start of how our members connect with communities. They routinely work alongside community groups, healthcare professionals, local businesses and other charitable organizations to create social good.
A healthy relationship with their Local Authority is also key, supporting them to achieve their outcomes. Community Leisure UK members work more than 170 Local Authorities across the UK.
Our members support a community-centered approach to delivery via many avenues including:
Community hubs
- Use of non-clinical settings for wellbeing support
- Co-production of services with users, healthcare professionals, the Local Authority and similar charitable organizations
- Peer support through volunteering
- A place-based approach to delivery""
"Seriously Social About...Inclusion
Valuing people’s differences and ensuring everyone is treated equally and supported in their community is part of the DNA of our members.
Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises delivering public leisure and culture services meet the needs of the entire community, not just the select few. People who are socially excluded or face barriers to participation, including poverty, disability or geography often have poorer health outcomes.
As charities and social enterprises, Community Leisure UK members are driven by social justice, often working to support the most excluded or vulnerable people. Many programmes are free to attend, and paid for services are often subsidised for those who need them most.
Community Leisure UK, and our members, are committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion and condemn discrimination and racism in all forms. Inclusive workspaces for employees, safe spaces for all and bespoke programmes for vulnerable and minority groups are all part of the modus operandi for our members."
"Seriously Social About...Employment & Skills
Our members are committed to the creation of pathways into employment and developing new skills including through apprenticeship programmes and volunteering.
Meaningful employment, being part of a company committed to doing good, and enhanced economic stability, plays a huge part in the health and wellbeing of communities and individuals.
Employment and skills are a key determinant of the health of individuals and communities. Dedication to needs-based, public benefit purpose can drive the social economy as well as, or better than, individualized profit maximization.
The skills development offered by our members includes adult education, music tuition, a huge range of sports and creative classes. As a key life skill, swimming is taught across public pools across the country with over 33,000 schools using our members pools for swimming lessons, with swimming lessons delivered to more than 2.8 million children (roughly the population of Greater Manchester) in 2023."
"Seriously Social About...The Environment
We are in a climate and biodiversity emergency. Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises play an important role in contributing to local climate change targets because they are driven by social justice with the public as their stakeholder.
This social ethos includes supporting local communities in responding to and adapting to the climate change emergency. Public leisure and culture buildings tend to have a large carbon footprint and therefore should not be left out of local ambitions.
Community Leisure UK members are serious about this responsibility. They all recognize the climate change emergency and have plans in place to support a greener future.
But it’s not just decarbonization and sustainable facilities where our members play a key role. Many of our members manage parks, open spaces and even nature reserves and woodlands, acting as careful caretakers to enhance, manage and improve green spaces to restore biodiversity and create spaces for communities to enjoy.
Public leisure and culture reach millions of people each year and can use their voice and influence to create change. Collectively, the Community Leisure UK membership receives over 209 million visits per year. Physical activity, culture and creativity brings people together and creates a space and opportunity for people to discuss and see alternative futures."
"Seriously Social...
In Numbers
Helen Keller, U.S. author and disability rights advocate once wrote – “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” And when you add up the social good delivered by our members, from their visits alone, it adds up to a LOT !
Geographically spread across England, Wales and Scotland, Community Leisure UK’s 100+ members contribution to social good is HUGE! But it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Currently, this data is collected from visits alone. If volunteering, apprenticeships and local employment were added, it would be beyond big. That’s one of the reasons why we’re urging the next Government to include putting social value at the heart of commissioning – see our Seriously Social Pledge.
Working with partners at 4Global, using the Social Value Calculator developed by Sheffield Hallam University and data from Moving Communities the data below represents a collective effort, by the Community Leisure UK group of Charitable Trusts & Social Enterprises, committed to helping individuals and communities, not because it makes them money but because it’s the right thing to do. Wales and Scotland figures have been based on available England Social Value modelling."
Last year I set out my case to protect the industry "Our Nations Health is at Risk". There is undoubtedly so much value to in what the charitable trusts and social enterprises are doing day to day.
At the Olympia just in the last six months we have implemented a range of programmes impacting on peoples lives. Recently we added Social Swims, Power Swims, Water Walks, YourPT, Pregnancy, natal programmes, Good Boost AI led health activity, NHS Tayside & NHS Tayside Charitable Foundation partnerships amongst many others. The value is obvious, lets support the charitable trusts and social enterprises because they are a great investment in our future.
The prevention will be cheaper than the cure. If we can invest in promoting healthier lifestyles it will remove strain from the NHS, save much loved local facilities whilst improving the lives of people in Scotland. Let’s make it happen!
Kind regards,
Fraser Calderwood M.A.
sportscotland CIMSPA ukactive Scottish Student Sport Scottish Swimming Les Mills International The Scottish Parliament NHS Sport England Swim England STA (Swimming Teachers' Association) Royal Life Saving Society UK - RLSS UK Public Health Scotland THE SCOTTISH SPORTS ASSOCIATION Scottish Women in Sport Active Together SSF UK Sport SportsAid Scotland Scottish Disability Sport Scottish Funding Council