We Said We’d Never Forget – But What Have We Remembered?

??????????????????????America’s Greatest Tragedy, And It’s Finest Hour

Twenty one years ago. A lifetime ago. But to most people over 40 the memory of 9/11 2001 is? as vivid as if it happened last week. It defined a moment in history. And forever changed the course of it. And in many ways, it was the beginning of a new world. We didn’t know it yet. The changes were subtle – shrouded in a melange of awe, patriotism, redemption, revenge, and altruism. When all the time, the powers that be were concocting a way to exploit it.?

Most people remember the respect and admiration the public had for the efforts of the police and fire department on that day. There were dozens of examples of extraordinary bravery.? They went above and beyond. The country became united in the? realization that there are people in this world who hate us. They hate us for our freedom, for our beliefs and? for our prosperity.? They hate us for achieving? a society that they could never accomplish. They hate us for succeeding in having a culture that sees all people as equal. They hate us for being great. And when people hate, and they know they can’t compete, they seek to destroy. Besides the carnage of that day , the leveling of the Twin Towers was also a symbolic gesture that these malcontent savages? could bring down all that America stands for. But the American people came together and said, “no.” ? We’ll recover. We’ll fight back. We will stand united and we will win.??

And where are we today?? The war started by Dick Cheny that was just? a self serving diversionary tactic has? ended in disgrace. Our leaders now comply with the terrorists who wanted us dead. Elected officials dismiss the 9/11 attacks and in some cases even blame the United States. University professors mold young minds in the belief that it is America that is in the wrong. America is the oppressor. We’re a country where even the leaders call half of the population fascists.The media? relently reports that we are a country of racists and white supremacists.? And people accept it. And parrot the words.?

I wonder how many people trapped in those buildings questioned if the fireman carrying them out of the building was a racist.? I wonder how many people would have declined help if they knew the person risking their life wasn’t of the same political party, or? what their view was have been on transgender rights. Or were concerned with what? their vaccination status was.?

How did we slip so far?? How did what is so monumentally important get discarded and insignificant grievances become paramount????

I can see only one reason. It’s the ideology of the radical left and the corrupt politicians who inflict it on a gullible public.? You heard the mantra.? ? Tear down the statues of your heroes!? Denounce your heritage! ? Burn it down!? Burn it all down! ? Don’t worry, we’ll call the rioting? “fiery, but peaceful.”???

By keeping the public at odds with each other, they keep them weak.? So today, we have a new enemy.? Each other.??

In many ways, the terrorist have indeed won. And the unprincipled press and the unscrupulous politicians helped them. They too hate the country. And seek to destroy it.? And they get away with it by deflecting the blame to the other side.?

?And the greatest tragedy of all is that so many people? don’t see through the ruse.? They bought the hype.? They believe the rhetoric.? These are many of the same people who called firemen heroes every chance they had and now call to defund the police. They do as they’re told.? Wear your mask. Keep your distance. Stay home. Feel the shame of America being built on slavery. “America was never great!.” ? Saying so is fair game. Meanwhile, accept the rise in crime. Accept the lower quality of life. Accept that a man isn’t a man and a woman isn’t a woman. Everything is fluid. All is subjective. There are no rules other than what Big Brother says.Hate anyone who disagrees.?

Twenty one years.? We may not have forgotten the horror of that day but whatever sense of unity, pride, or patriotism is not only long gone, it is distained.? Replaced with fear and resentment.?

But not with everyone.?

There still are those who believe in the values that make this country great. There are those who? accept that America’s history isn’t perfect but it’s whole lot more perfect than any other country on the planet. And there are values worth fighting for.? There are things more important than fads and fashions and? social acceptance.? There are people who believe that the country whose people saved the world from tyranny with unfounded courage,? honor and integrity deserve to live free. ? On our own terms. In spite of how the trends have turned.?

And no matter what any of these fools in Washington or these empty suits on TV say,? that is something worth remembering.??

And we will.


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