Are We Sabotaging Ourselves in Higher Education?
Andrew Luna, Ph.D
Higher education professional, author, and speaker. Uniquely uses data to improve higher education.
One evening, I was talking to a retired army officer. I shared war stories of my 36 years in higher education and he shared his stories of, well, war. His stories were more interesting than mine. We are both history buffs and he told me some interesting ways the military conducts non-combat strategies to support warfare operations. He brought up the Simple Sabotage Manual. I was intrigued.
In 1944, General William J. Donovan was director of the Office of Strategic Services. The OSS was the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency and, during his tenure there, General Donovan created an initially classified booklet outlining the art of simple sabotage which, “more than malicious mischief . . . should always consist of acts whose results will be detrimental to the materials and manpower of the enemy.”
The manual was secretively given to resistance members as well as those everyday citizens who stayed in their home county and were forced to work for the axis powers. The manual described direct and indirect methods of sabotage to soften the enemy’s underbelly so that combat actions would be more effective.
While the direct methods of sabotage involved slashing tires, pouring metal shavings into gear works, and destroying buildings, it was the indirect methods that piqued my interest. Many of these methods sounded like normal protocol for state-run agencies including higher education. Let us look light-heartedly at some examples:
There are more of these methods in the manual. It makes for interesting reading. I guess one could say, however, that all of this could apply to places outside state-run agencies. Take the federal government, for example. It was the military branch of the feds that created the manual and, safe to say, Washington D. C. been following these methods internally to a greater extent than colleges and universities could ever do. But who am I to poke holes. I’m guilty of many of these measures myself. It’s become the nature of our business.
Higher education is a unique, multi-faceted organization that is traditionally open to diverse ideas from diverse people. We are more open than most government agencies and we pride ourselves on transparency, collegiality, and the fostering of new knowledge. When you add governmental regulations and accountability to the mix, colleges and universities become a complex ship to run. Good policies and regulations can help plot a path of smooth sailing. Deciding what is good, though, is tricky.
I’m reminded of an episode of the Andy Griffith show when Barney became acting sheriff. When Andy returned from this trip, he saw that Barney had jailed two men. One man accused the other of letting his chickens run loose while the other accused the first man of building a fence that blocked the sunlight from his feathered fowl. Barney was pouring over law books and told Andy that the case may go to the Supreme Court. Andy quietly suggested the fence could be made of wire, allowing the chickens to be restrained while allowing sunlight to come through. Both men left shaking hands. Isn’t common sense cool?
According to historian Will Durant, “The essential cause of the Roman conquest of Greece was the disintegration of Greek civilization from within.” Maybe we in higher education should remove the dust of our past and open the windows of fresh ideas in order to make our work and our lives a little healthier. Maybe by balancing the laws and policies that govern higher education with a little more common sense, we can come to some sort of a happy medium and not be overtaken by more governmental bureaucracy.
It is clear that the Romans didn’t learn from Greece’s mistakes. In one of his many letters to Atticus about the wonders of Rome, philosopher Cicero said “Man is his worst enemy.”?Befittingly, his words were written right before the fall of Rome. I wonder if Cicero ever belonged to any committees?
Using data insights for the greater good.
3 年Of course we are. That’s because IR folks haven’t revolted and taken over.
3 年Andrew, this made me chuckle! The perpetual cycle continues. We are always amused at some new technique being initiated at our previous institution and it was what we did 25 years ago! History.