Are we running out of topic, KOSMO!?
Charmain Chan Jo Ey
Passionate Sustainability Project Manager @ Science and Wellness Organization | Improving Lives, Sustainable Solutions
A penny for a thought:
If I am the Editor In-Chief of Kosmo Online , I would have fire the whole editorial team and tender my own resignation letter.
Look at the title, is that what we want to imply and show the future generations of how we are? Magazine/Tabloid suppose to be informative of the current news and provide any kind of day to day solutions to the people and also share the experience knowledge of other people. Not gossiping or dwelling on low and degrading topics.
Are we running out of topics to talk about? No. We are not. There are so many topics and information that we can share, ie. Environment science, political science, successful business solution by other people etc.
You know what is our challenges now? The things we put in our mind - the countless gossips, non beneficial conversation, the things that does not help us to progress in our lives and career, that makes us fall backwards. This is not healthy to the brains.
Everyone is talking about #femaleleadership , #womenempowermentmovement , #equality but none of us walk the talk. Why? Cause we still stuck in the same old mindset. To change this, it is not a 1 person task, it is a teamwork of everyone.