We are The Root Cause of Our Results
Self-Leadership Executive Performance Coach | Empowering Business Executives to Thrive with Clarity, Impact, and Emotional Intelligence at Big Vision Life Coach
We Are The Root Cause of Our Results.
Have you ever been providing a product or service, and you just could not get the results you really wanted?
It was the right product, you had the knowledge and skill to deliver, yet, it just wasn’t happening.
You tried everything with very few or short lived results.
Then you jumped to another product/service, thinking this one will be better and guess what, same poor results.
I’m doing everything right, why doesn’t it work?.
It could also show up in our relationships, going from one relationship to the next looking for that perfect person.
You keep getting the wrong one.
It can show up in all the different areas of our life.
How am I attracting all of this into my life?.
It’s a great question.
Listen up...
We are the root cause of our results...
It’s my...
? Right Mindset...
? Right Character...
? Right Habits...
? Right Programming...
That ultimately will determine my long term results in any and all the different areas of my life.
The RIGHT YOU is responsible for 80% of your results.
It’s my BLUEPRINT that is responsible for a big part of my results.
Understand this...
Many of us spend most of our time working on the other 20% which is the.
? Product/Service...
? Knowledge/Skills...
And very rarely see ourselves as been the cause of the challenge.
Our Blueprints are set from a very early age as we are growing up and if we have one that’s not working we need to UPGRADE IT...
Here’s the deal...
Spend more time working on upgrading your blueprints in the different areas of your life and watch your positive results skyrocket.
That’s exactly what I do, upgrade your blueprint to produce the results that you really want in your life.
Once that’s complete, the other 20% is just logistics.
Book in for your blueprint upgrade NOW...
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/3psOSJ6DHEY
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