Are we in the right salary grade?
Priya Gupta
CORPORATE & NLP TRAINER | NLP LIFE COACH | Senior HR Leader | Positive Change Ambassador | Employee Experience | People Leader
Being HR it is always difficult to justify the salary structure and grades to an employee. We talk about different modules and theory of Grading and salary scales . AI introduction to new scaling etc.etc. ,but are we really implying this today ? Are we ourselves in the right payscale ?
To my surprise there is a huge difference which is far of what we talk and implicate. Salary grade truly depends on what size of organization you are working , how much interference management have , no of reporting you hold , kind of work you are managing and not only to mention above parameter , there is a major and key parameter - which country and city you are working.
Do we need to rethink if the survey report for Salary structure is meant for us , which category we fall. Hoping someone there is parity between what we work and what we get.