We Are A Reflection Of Our Leadership
Ritchie Gibson
Professional Speaker, Author, Mentor & Trainer on Leadership, Culture and Teamwork.
With the recent US elections over, we have seen the American people vote for change and the successful candidate, is not a politician.
Let’s be perfectly clear here. This wasn’t a vote for Donald Trump. It was a vote against everyone else. People are craving change as they are sick and tired of the same old Sh#t. People are craving realness and are growing tired of political correctness.
A prime example is here at home with Australia going through 5 Prime Ministers in as many years, which is just plain embarrassing.
This got me thinking. Are our politicians a reflection of us?
Are we looking in the mirror when we are judging or criticising our politicians?
Do we get the politicians we deserve?
If we want them to change and them to be better, maybe we should change ourselves, maybe we should be better, rather than throwing rocks from our glass houses.
Maybe we are the ones who are narcissistic, maybe we are the ones who are putting our interests in front of everyone else, and if you look at the way most companies are run, the majority of leaders are focused on the profits over people.
So maybe, instead of demanding that our politicians change, maybe we should demand that we change and take some accountability for our own actions and maybe then we will get the politicians we deserve.
Our own selfishness is getting in the way and obstructing what as human beings we do best, and that is being selfless.
As a society, we as the people, are a reflection of our leaders. If you are a leader, then lead by example and know that someone is always watching you and the standards you set. Your employees are a reflection of your company. If your employees are rude to customers, don’t add perceived value to your current client base, that is a reflection of the person at the top, or at least the person they directly answer to.
What can you do this week to be a better leader?
Hold a mirror up to yourself and consider how you would like to be communicated with if you were an employee. When your looking into that mirror, ask yourself if you are putting the interest of the people you are leading first, or whether your decisions revolve around your own self interest
In April 2017, I will be conducting a two day leadership camp in Noosa Qld. Numbers are strictly limited, so if you are serious about becoming a better leader in 2017, drop me line and I will give you further details. https://beyoubegreat.com.au/get-in-touch/
Are you aware that the best discussions happen after you read this email?
Drop me a line and let me know what you think it takes to be a better leader. https://beyoubegreat.com.au/get-in-touch/
Have a great week ahead.
Don't forget!
Every Sunday on SEN 1116, between 2-2.30pm (Melbourne - AEDT) I discuss all things motivation with Brett Phillips.
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This week I spoke about how I think 'We have got this all wrong' and how stress controls our lives. Listen to the 15 minute podcast here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3bci4c8n8p1mgnh/Week%207%20-%20We%20have%20got%20this%20all%20wrong.mp3?dl=0
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